Chandie Change

After staring at pictures of my chandelier yesterday and then gazing at it in real life today, I decided to do some changing and rearranging. I think that I like it better this way. It looks a little more balanced.
What do you think?. . .and thinking that I'm OCD/ADD doesn't count because I've already admitted to that!

One Man's Trash

One day I was out for my morning walk when I noticed a chandelier in a trailer that was ready to go to the dump. Actually I noticed the crystals dripping from it more than the chandelier itself. I thought it was ashame to throw away beautiful and expensive crystals. The next day when I walked by it again it was calling for me to rescue it, but I resisted the urge to take it home with me. Fortunately I knew the family that lived in the home. Our boys had played on the same soccer team at one time. I waited until that afternoon (it took that long to muster up my courage) and gave the lady a phone call. After the usual pleasantries I told her I had an unusual question---how do you ask someone if you can have their trash? She laughed and said she'd have her son bring it over to my house. I thanked her, hung up the phone and did the happy dance.
After my little treasure was delivered I took a good look. It was unusual and unique. I decided that I really liked the chandelier as much as I liked the crystals. My hubby agreed that it was worth a makeover. He rewired it and replaced the socket covers. I debated about painting it, but I hated to cover the antique brass of this old darling. And I've noticed that Pottery Barn now sells lamps with the same finish. I did remove all of the HUGE crystals and rearranged others. Now, this one man's trash is a beautiful treasure that hangs in our master bedroom.
Hopefully this will inspire you to not be afraid to ask someone for their garbage!

A Sofa Table That's So Good

This little table sits behind the sofa in our family room (I moved it out to take the picture). It wasn't a very complicated build. The legs are stair balusters turned upside down. The top is strips of old reclaimed wood and the skirting is upside down baseboard. It's a light weight table that's just the right size and height.