Pillow Talk

These are the pillows that came with
my chocolate brown sofa.

These are the pillows that came from the thrift store!
Most of them were brand new, with the store tags still left on. Most of them are silk with feather fill; a luxury I couldn't afford at retail prices. All of them give my sofa a fresh, lighter look for summer.

My Love of Doors Has Crept Outdoors!

One of the great things about a door is that you can close it to hide whatever unwanted site may be lurking on the other side. That's exactly what my outdoor doors do. The farthest door leads to our vegetable garden. I enjoy the yummy tomatoes our garden produces and I especially like the gourds, pumpkins and other decorative items it so willingly grows for me. However, our garden would never win a beauty contest, the prize for most supportive maybe, but not for beauty. The door hides it's flaws and gives the illusion of beauty.
The doors that need a fresh coat of paint (yes, it's on my list of things to do) help to hide a swing set. My kids are getting older, and some have moved away, but when we took a family vote about getting rid of the swings, they all voted to have them stay. Yeah, I've learned my lesson. Next time I'm not putting it to a vote! But in the meantime, the kids can still enjoy the swing set and I don't have to see it from my kitchen window. I have recently discovered only one problem with these doors, however. For some reason my eleven year old son had no clue that the glass could actually break. That's what he told me when I walked outside to discover the source of the crashing sound. Luckily the overgrown rose bush hides the broken glass. Now if I can just figure out how to hide the other flaws and weeds in my yard. . .

And The Award Goes To...

This is the award and the rules:
Arte y Pico Award
  1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
  2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
  3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
  4. The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
  5. To show these rules.
Hooray! Bonnie at The Zoo, which is the name of her blog, not where she's employed, was brave enough to admit that she'd enjoy this award! You deserve it! Anyone who can suffer the embarrassment of wearing a hospital gown and then come home to write a funny post about it gets my vote! She also has been able to catch her children wearing the newest fashions---a clothespin wig, freshly chipped permanent teeth. . . aahhh, the joys of motherhood! Now you know why her blog is called The Zoo. Go give her a visit!
The second award goes to Rachel, I mentioned her in yesterday's post, but today I feel the need to give her this lovely award. Anyone who calls me a "decorating guru" should be paid for such flattery! Thank you! Give Rachel a visit and have a napkin handy, your mouth is going to water when you see some of her delicious recipes!
I would also like to present this award to Kari and Kijsa. They are pros at this blogging world. I'm not sure that they care about a little ol' award, but at least they'll know that I think they're great. And after you visit them you'll think the same. They are creative, inspiring, and their photos are beautiful (I have photo envy).
Now, I know the rules state that I need to give out five of these, which means there are two left. Ladies, if you are too shy to admit that you'd love this, I'm giving you permission to just copy and paste it to your site. You can even say that I gave it to you. I like to give gifts that I know others really want.
Congratulations! and ENJOY!

I'm Flattered! How About You?

Yesterday I received some fun news from two of my wonderful blogging friends. The first was from Joanne from Sunflower Meadow, a delightful place to visit. She gave me the Arte y Pico Award. Thank you so very much Joanne! This is my second time for this award and I'm honored to receive it again. I'm supposed to give it to five more blogs. But since I've done this already, and since I've noticed that this beauty of an award has made the rounds to many blogs, I've decided to mix things up a bit (otherwise known as "breaking the rules"). If you have a great blog that hasn't been recognized, here's your chance! Don't be shy. Sometimes we've got to do our own advertising for our fifteen minutes of fame. So if you'd like this award, just leave me a comment. Write a note about your blog and I'll post your name and give you the award. Think of it this way, if you want a great gift, sometimes you've got to just go get it for yourself!
The second bit of fun news came from Rachel at Made with Love and Glue. Isn't that such a cute title? She wanted me to know that she liked my pear urns so much, she made a set for herself. Wow! Someone copied my idea. I feel just like Martha Stewart---only without the tv show, the staff, the houses, the millions, the hairdo, and the stint in the slammer. Thanks Rachel!
I love meeting friends in the blog world. You have all been such an inspiration to me! Thank you for visiting and a special thank you to those who take a minute to leave a comment. I appreciate the time you all spend with me. We've had a lovely time, now go visit some other blog friends and make their day as great as you have mine!

You Have Permission!

Last week I met with one of my clients. Our first meeting, several months ago, was to pick paint colors, carpet samples and furniture for rooms she was in the middle of updating. Her new choices for the rooms were significantly different. She picked lighter colors, and a more modern, clean, sophisticated look than she had previously. She wanted to meet with me again to discuss design options in two other rooms, and also to accessorize the newly completed rooms.
We looked through stacks of framed photos and art. I could tell that she was feeling overwhelmed. She had spent a few months without all of these things cluttering up her walls. I said, "If you had only five minutes to pick your favorite ones, which would you choose?" Immediately she grabbed the ones she wanted. We took the newly reduced pile and used only those to decorate.
She was very happy with our choices and then said, "So you've given me permission to get rid of all the others?" (Of course I didn't have to give her my permission, she needed to give it to herself.) I told her she had my permission--- she didn't have to bring everything back, she had matured, her style had changed and it was okay to leave the old style behind. She could give away some of the portraits to her daughters, and donate the rest. She was thrilled!
I've had similar experiences with other clients. I gave one "permission" to give her piano away to one of her children. My client was happy to have more space and the family members who received the piano were thrilled too.
And so now I say to you, "I give you permission!" Go, look around your house. Are there decorations hanging on the walls that have hung there longer than the clothes in your closet? If so maybe it's time to update. Do you have items in your home that no longer make you smile? Are you holding on to things just because someone gave them to you? Has your style changed, but you're accessories are stuck in the 90's?
You've read this before, but I'll write it again: Your house needs to reflect you and your personality. Your home should be a place where you feel relaxed, happy,and content. Remember it is YOUR home so you should be the one to decide what stays and what goes.
Now go! Look around your home and get rid of the things that you no longer love. Use your old items to bless others by giving them away, selling them or donating them. It's better to live with just a few things that you love, than to live with a lot of things you don't. So get moving and removing! YOU HAVE PERMISSION!