I Should Get a Commission

I promise you that I DO NOT work for the Rustoleum company or the Rub 'n Buff company---but maybe I should. Maybe I should show them all of my projects and then they could pay me a million dollars for my incredible ideas and then I could share it with all of you, since you're the ones who inspire me to create more and more projects. . . .Well, it's a great thought, right?
Here's my latest project:(sorry! the picture is dark)
I bought this lovely little statue at the thrift store for three dollars. It's beautiful as is, but I think that I know why it was donated. It's a bit top heavy, and easily tips over. There are some marks on the base that look like the previous owner may have weighted it down with a rock. It also has that verdigris finish that was very popular years ago, but not so much now. All of those problems can easily be fixed with a scrap of wood, a can of black spray paint, and a little R'nB in a copper color. With those little fix-ups, it's now updated,
and looks like this:
I identify with the birdy that chooses to do things
his own way.

A Corner of My Home

This little wall measures just over two feet wide. It's at the end of a hall and surrounded by doors; a bathroom door, a bedroom door and a linen closet. This is an area that could easily be neglected. But why neglect a spot that my family walks by several times a day?
Sometimes we put a lot of effort decorating the areas of our home that visitors see and we forget about those small spots that are usually for our family's eyes only. Is there a little corner in your home, seen only by your family, that needs a little decorative touch?

A Fish Tale

I bought this box at the thrift store last week. It was probably someone's wood shop project. I know, you're probably questioning my taste right about now, and asking yourself, "What was she thinking?!?!" I'm sure that's what people at the thrift store thought. They could only see that lovely fish decal on a funky little box. The lady who checked me out thought that it looked like a small coffin for fish. But all I could see was the craftsmanship! It's made up of all kinds of beautiful mouldings. It has style. Or at least, it has the potential for style.
I sanded off the fishy and gave it a few coats of spray paint, in what seems to be my favorite color now a days. Then I topped it with a sassy little knob. . .
And now it's a stlyish little box that anyone would be proud to put their dead fish in. ;)

Wedded Bliss

Last weekend we were invited to a wedding reception. I bought a nice gift for the newlyweds, but thought it might be fun to make a personalized gift for them too.

I got on my computer and made a template.
I took out my light box (oh, how I love that thing!),
taped the template on it,
then placed a piece of canvas cloth on top.
I used a fabric marker to trace over the template.
I cut the canvas down to size and frayed the edges.
I cut and spray painted a board. Then I adhered a piece of scrapbook paper to the board using spray adhesive.
I added the canvas on top.I stained the edges of the scrapbook paper,
added upholstery tacks and
drilled two holes to string the ribbon through.
And Voila!
a personalized gift for the happy couple.

The Big Reveal

I want to THANK YOU ALL! I appreciate your comments, support and even your curiosity! Let's face it, we all enjoy decorating our homes because it brings us, and our loved ones, joy and comfort. But it is always an added bonus when what you do is appreciated and enjoyed by others. And so I thank you for giving me a bonus. You are all so wonderful and kind! Now on to the big reveal. . .
This was my entry foyer before:(one of many combinations I've had here)

It is now the new home of my table and mirror.
Here is the finished look (for this month, anyway).
In an ideal world there would be an electric outlet nearby so that I could have two tall beautiful buffet lamps. But no such luck, so I improvise.

Here's a little close-up of the details of the table.
(I still need to do some touch ups.)
Isn't this over-sized knob delightful?

I'm liking my foyer make-over.
It's always fun to change things around!