I Need An Intervention!

Several years ago I decorated my home with shabby/cottage decor. Back then I would buy or paint everything a beautiful shade of cream and then distress it. I love the cottage look, but I found that as I made home improvements, my tastes began to change. I held on to some of my shabby pieces and put them away in my storage room. The other day I came across a few pieces and decided there was just one thing to do, "Paint them black!" But, an interesting thing happened as I was painting (could it be the paint fumes?). I started to wonder what my new favorite color will be in a few years.
I have always liked cream and black accessories for the number one reason that they are neutral. I move things around in my house all the time so I need things that will look good in every room. I have rooms painted in shades of red, shades of green, and shades of blue. My rooms aren't neutral, so my accessories need to be.
But, I'm beginning to think that maybe I have hit my quota on black accessories. Could it be?
I have noticed a few warning signs:
My children run for fear of being painted when they see me pick up a can of black spray paint.
My neighbors are asking if I've been hired to decorate for funerals.
The guy at the paint store told me that they can have cases of black paint delivered directly to my door, and shipping will be free since I buy in bulk. . . .
OH NO, I THINK I NEED AN INTERVENTION!!!!OKAY! I've taken the first step.
I've admitted I have a problem.
The next step is to vow to change.
(Did anyone notice I said, "try")
Now all that's left is to ask for support.
I know that I can not go a week
without painting anything.

I can't be expected to give up all of my addictions.
But, I need your suggestions.
What color can I start using that will be neutral, yet rich and fulfilling like my black paint is?!?!?
Oh please! I vow to make some changes,
but I need your help.

In exchange, I promise to document
my black paint withdrawal all next week.

But before you go. I've got one more five minute idea for you to see. Go check out Annie's cute project. And for those of you who have plans to finish yours this weekend, I'll be happy to link to you next week too.

Words of Appreciation

A week ago I stood in the store holding two pieces of wood and thinking about what I could blog. Is that strange?!? I probably should have been thinking of what to make for dinner, but thinking about blogging is so much more fun. I thought about making a quick, inexpensive, and easy project that anyone could do. I thought it would be exciting to see what others would do with my idea. I could have never, ever, predicted the outcome of such a small project!
It has been thrilling to see you take my small idea and personalize it and improve upon it. And it has been so incredibly wonderful to be able to meet new friends.You have been so sweet and kind and.....think of any positive adjective and that would describe all of you. I stand in awe of your talent and your warmth and kindness. I am humbled. You have motivated me, encouraged me, and inspired me. The person I am today, is a much better person than the person standing in the store last week holding two pieces of wood. And for that, I cannot thank you enough!
I want you to know just how much I appreciate ALL of you!!!! Those of you who leave comments and those of you who don't---you have all blessed my life more than you will ever know! Thank you!

Now, if you want to see more incredible versions of my little idea, so visit Antoinette and Christy and be sure to leave them with some sweet words.
Then for a whole new twist on the idea (that I am so going to copy!!!) go visit Rae.

See ya, Love ya, Bye!

A's and AAHHH'S

I am so proud of you! Many of you were able to answer the questions about what the objects were in their former life. I give you all A's! For those of you that weren't correct, you still get an A for trying. And Msfears, you get an A for making me laugh at this answer:The crown was definitely a torture device in the dark ages.
Jackie from Empty Nest Full Life was correct! Her answer was: I think the crown might have been a candle holder that held a pillar candle in glass and the glass was missing, and you added the middle piece, I also go for a chandelier globe or one of those home interior candle sconces with a wooden bead painted and glued onto the top.
Silly me, I forgot to take "before" pictures. But can you see the crown, turned right side up, is meant to hold a glass insert that you could place a candle in. The glass likely broke, so the owners donated the metal part. I used a two part welding epoxy to attach a metal finial on what is now the top and then I spray painted the entire piece.

Most of you guessed this one. See how a candle fits perfectly inside the glass and then the neck of the glass could fit perfectly inside a metal base. I drilled a hole into a big wooden ball---okay, I started to drill the hole, but holding a small hard wood object while trying to drill a huge hole isn't as easy as it sounds. So, my husband drilled most of the hole in the ball (he will be so happy that I gave him the credit). Then I painted it and used a heavy duty glue to attach it. The cute ribbon covers the rest of the neck of the glass.
I hope that you all have learned the important lesson to look at things as they could be.

I know that many of you are still working on your five minute projects. Remember to let me know when you're ready to show them. *edited to add: We'll be showing three tomorrow. Come join in!

Now, I thought it might be a fun change of pace to show you some "snippets" of my house---the things that make me say "Aahhh".


Isn't this a wonderful display? It's nicely balanced, and the repetition of the colors black, cream and apple green is pleasing to the eye.
EVERYTHING in this display (except the fresh flowers) came from the thrift store.
Very few things look like they did when they were purchased.
Of course, you've already guessed that a can of spray paint was involved in the transformation. The candle holders used to be a pastel blue and green.

Now take note of the crown. Crowns seem to be quite the trend in decorating right now.
QUESTION #1- What was this crown in it's former life?

Look as this sweet little cloche. A cloche is a great little item to have in a display. You can take something rather ordinary and make it extraordinary by placing it under a cloche.
QUESTION #2- What was this cloche in it's former life?

You have plenty of time to complete this quiz. We will discuss the answers on tomorrow's post. Good Luck!

I have some more great five minute projects for you to check out. Please visit Nichole and Bella and let them know you came by.

**Remember that we'll be playing Show and Tell all week long. So tell me about your post so we can show it off.**

Some Days It's Just That Good

Oh, there's something wonderful about spending time at a few thrift stores and finding things that you didn't even know that you had to have. I had way too much fun on Saturday! I don't remember the last time I found this many treasures in one day.
Take a look!
My dining room table almost looks like
a display in an upscale boutique.
Corbels, and candles, and glassware. Oh my!A cute little chair begging to be painted black.
Ironstone from England too!
White dishes, cream frame, silver candlesticks
and a metal pedestal.
Aahhh! Who needs new when used looks this good!

Oh ladies! I'm so proud of you! Some of you took five minutes to make the project I posted on Friday. I love to see how you take my ideas and personalize them.
Go visit Maranda and Mrs. H, and leave them a sweet comment.
If you want to show off your project, just leave me a note and I'll add your link too.