I See Sea Glass

Last week I stood in front of rows of paint trying to find a color that I would love as much as my black. I found this beautiful Sea Glass in a satin finish. I knew right away that I would love it because it reminds me of a room in my home.
Now I just had to find an item to cover with this delightful color.
Out in storage I found this little beauty.
I had adopted her at the thrift store. She's old, beat up, and even a bit warped (I hope that's not how my kids describe me). I knew that her previous owners wanted someone to love her because before they donated her they slathered her up with a heavy coat of furniture oil. It took forever for that stuff to soak in, that's why she was in storage. But, with a new finish she could come out and enjoy family life in a room that she would relate to in color.
You know, the true beauty of sea glass is that it's a bit rough looking. So after a couple of nice coats of spray paint I covered the little table with some white glaze, to show off the details as well as the wear. Then out came the sand paper to sand the spots that would have worn naturally. And just like a piece of sea glass, the beauty of my newly made-over table came shining through.
And speaking of beauty. . . go visit Chelle and Nikki to see their beautiful five minute projects. Don't forget to leave them a little love note.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends. Get your spray paint projects ready for Monday, cuz we're going to have a PARTY!!!


OOOOHH! May I just say that this non-black spray paint week is turning out much better than I anticipated! I'm discovering new colors and, on top of that, every project has been one that I've pulled out of storage and am now using in my home. Double Bonus!
See this little country cabinet. . .
I purchased it at the thrift store years ago and it's been in storage ever since. That's why it's so dusty. I put it in the donate pile a few times, but it always managed to find it's way home. I decided that it was time to give it a makeover or give it away. It just happens to be the perfect size to fit in the alcove, above the potty, in my boys bathroom. It now has a new home, so it's time to give it a new look.
I chose to paint it espresso.
Yes, I used my new little gadget. (I tried to answer all of your questions about this new tool in the comment area of Tuesdays post.) I also used my mask---safety first! If you were standing next to me when I took this picture you would have noticed that those pesky little vegetables are trying to show through the paint. I'm not too worried because I have a plan. But this is a good time to be reminded that if you're painting over an existing finish, it's important to give it a good sanding and use primer.
I'm going to hide those pesky vegies with wallpaper. I really like combining wallpaper with wood. I did it when I covered the back of my china cabinet and when I made the decorations for my daughter's wedding.

Wallpaper is thicker than regular paper and it's handy for covering big areas. You can usually buy it for just a couple of dollars at thrift stores and garage sales. I paid a dollar for a brand new roll of this pinstripe walpaper.I cut the paper to size and then adhered it to the doors.
*HELPFUL HINT* Those plastic fake credit cards, that you get in the mail as advertisements, come in handy for smoothing out the wallpaper.
Then I hung it, decorated it, and filled it full of bathroom necessities. It has a new, useful life and I think it looks looks great!

I hope you're getting your spray paint projects ready for Monday's party.

Intervention Interruption

We interrupt this intervention for an important announcement.
You are all cordially invited to attend a
Spray Outside the Black Box Party
to be held on Monday August 25th.
I'm going to try my hand at that Mr. Linky thing, (wish me luck) so get your projects ready! Just post your pictures on your blogs and then get ready to link to the rest of us addicts. And for those of you that have just begun your addiction to black spray paint, we'll allow you to show off your very best black painted project, because you know that we all have a secret stash of black spray paint just waiting to be used when this week is over---some of you may actually be using it right now. Caught ya!
Let's all give Cherry a big thank you for coming up with such a great party theme, "Thanks Cherry!"

Now, I hope you won't be disappointed that I'm not going to show you a spray paint project today. I thought it was time to relax a bit so I'm inviting you into my living room.
Not to long ago you stood here in my foyer.

This is my living room. It's long and narrow, measuring 22 feet by 14 feet.
Most rooms that size would be easy to decorate but this one is a bit tricky because three of the four walls have large openings or windows.
The foyer wall has a 7 foot opening (half the wall).The dining wall has an almost 12 foot opening
(more than half the wall).
And the outside wall has 13 feet of huge windows,
plus a few more smaller windows.
This is my summer furniture arrangement. It's a bit unusual, but I like it.
My oldest son said that it's arranged like
we live on a sit-com set,
with the audience sitting outside the windows.
Don't you love family critics?

But this is why I have those big windows
as a design focal point.
Look at the view.
This is the view up the street. Yes, those are mountains.

I don't even want window treatments.
I love the custom mouldings that my husband and I did.
There's a rope light tucked up inside.
It gives off such a soft light.

I call this my fairy window.
I had to talk my contractor into putting it in.

I love the way the light bounces around in this room.
It's my favorite room in the house.

Oh, and a special thank you to Debbie at
Ribbonwood Cottage for giving me this award:

Projects, Smiles, and a Shelf

Hasn't it been fun to see so many variations of one five minute project? Well, I've got two more great ones for you to see. Take a blog trip to visit my friends Darlene and Emily and don't forget to make their day by leaving a note, cuz you know how we all love kind comments!
Ooohhh, and look what sweet Sue gave me.
Isn't she so very nice to think of me? Isn't this a wonderful award? Aaaaww, you know me by now, I'm giving it to ALL of you because every single one of you make me smile. Please feel free to take it home with you. Go visit Sue for the rules that I didn't follow. I'm so rebellious!

It is officially day two of my black spray paint intervention. Cherry suggested that maybe I should host a "Spray paint outside the black box" party. Everyone loves a good party right? What do you think friends? I could throw the party next Monday. That would give you all time to find just the perfect project to paint any color other than black. It might be a challenge because we love our black spray paint. But it could be fun. . .

Speaking of non-black projects, this is my newest.
I bought this shelf on sale at a little boutique. It was the last one, so I snatched it up. I thought I knew right where it would hang, but when I got it home it was too large for the chosen area. I tried it in other spots in my house but the deep brownish red color limited my options. I did think of painting it black, but since it's so big I didn't want the color to be overwhelming. So I decided that Dark Taupe would be a better option.Since I was experimenting with color I thought I'd experiment with gadgets too. See that attachment on my spray can? I cost less than two dollars. You just snap it on any can and then you pull the trigger. Oh! Let me tell you, it's easy and makes you feel just like a spray paint professional!After the paint was dry I took the sander to distress the shelf and bring out the details in the tin that you didn't really notice when it was a darker color.I like the shelf makeover. Dare I say that I'm glad I chose not to paint it black?!?! Now I'm off to find the perfect place for it to hang.

Surrounded and Surprised

You are a true addict when you try to stop but find that you have surrounded yourself with friends who have the same addiction! My wonderful friends, I'm going to try this withdrawal despite the fact that most of you told me that I don't have an addiction, or that it's a good addiction to have, and are admitted black spray paint addicts yourself.
Now repeat after me. . . "CHANGE IS GOOD!" Great!
Please don't fear!
We're only going to try this for a week.
Come on, with everyone's help, we can do it!
Yes, change is good.

I decided that I'd try not only a change in paint color, but a change in brand. I must confess that I am a bit of a spray paint snob. I buy only one brand because it has always been the one I can depend on. But I found myself standing in front of spray paint at a discount store and, after seeing the ridiculously cheap price of .90 cents, I thought that I didn't have much to lose.I picked up this can and read, "Cap Approximates Color of Contents". I thought I was buying a nice, neutral gray. I gave it a spray at home and was surprised to see that my paint purchase was labeled "sterling silver."A few days later, I ran across these little metal insects that I had stored away. They were quite the rage a few summers ago and I'd purchased a few of the rusty looking little critters. Even though they're a bit out of style, I couldn't bring myself to abandon them.
So there was just one thing to do,
(let's say it all together now)
I know that black would have been a good color choice, but remember I'm on a quest,
so here was my opportunity to
try something new---a new color and a new brand.

I lined my guinea pigs in a row and began to spray.
Then I began to giggle with glee!
To my surprise,
a new color and a new, cheap brand
was actually working for me.
I was getting that same spray paint high!
I did it!
I managed to have the courage to change
and it paid off!
I'm hosting a garden party in a few weeks.
I think these little sassy sterling silver critters
will be a fun addition to the buffet table.

I'm linking you to a few more surprises. Check out the projects these lovely ladies have done and make their day by leaving them with some happy thoughts.
Visit Strawberry Blonde, and Angie to see more ideas for five minute projects. Then see Sue, she's made a five minute project, and see her version of the mint tray.