Another Trip to the Dollar Store

How about a cheap, quick and easy
craft for the weekend?

It involves another trip to the dollar store to buy this
cute little 3 opening frame.I'm thinking that the sales at the dollar stores have gone up tremendously due to bloggers. They don't need advertisement, they have women who love to blog and create on the cheap.I know it's a little early for Halloween,
but it's nice to be prepared, right?

I used a sheet of computer paper as a template
to cut apart an old newspaper.
Then I typed out the letters making sure to leave a lot of space between each one. I chose a different font for each letter. To get the right size, I chose to make the font sizes between 145 to 175.
When I was satisfied with the look, I ran the newspaper sheets through my printer.

All that was left was to cut squares around the letters and attach them to the back of the frame with tape, then reassemble the frame.

I told you it was cheap, quick and easy!
Have a wonderful weekend!

I Went to a Garden Party

I helped host a garden party yesterday.
I was in charge of decorating seven dining tables and the buffet table. I wanted to do something simple, inexpensive and garden-y. I decided to use grass for the centerpieces. I thought about growing wheat grass, but then came up with an even easier idea. . .buying sod. I just needed something to put the grass in. I could have bought baskets but, at my house, it's much cheaper to build something than to buy. Fortunately I have a very supportive husband, (he really likes it when I give him a lot of compliments on my blog) who helps me carry out my ideas. We bought cedar fencing and used it, and scrap wood, to build shallow square boxes to hold the sod. I like the fencing material because it smells good and it's roughness gives the project a rustic look. I painted the boxes with "oops" paint, then sanded them to give them an aged appearance. The sod was cut to fit inside each box.

I purchased a mum plant and cut it apart. The stems of the mum are stiff enough to stick into the sod and stand upright. The sod boxes were surrounded with votive holders that I purchase at a dollar store (3/$1). The holders were also gifts for the guests. I had tea lights burning inside, then they were sent home with new scented votives.

After cutting the sod for the boxes, I had
a long thin piece of sod left;
a perfect size for the buffet table.

We built a box six feet long by seven inches wide. To make it stand above the food,
we added six small balusters for legs.
I used my little silver insects to help decorate the buffet table, too.The event was a lot of fun!

And now that it's over I can catch up
on my blog reading and comments! ;~)

More Glimpses of Fall

Here's a few more glimpses of
fall decorations around my home.

Altered Holiday

It's been almost a week since I posted anything that's had a color makeover.
I think it's about time for a seasonal decoration that involves spray paint!

You can buy these cute little 3 inch wreaths
at the dollar store.
They have a few styles to choose from.
The only catch is that they're all for a certain holiday that's months away and that I'm just not ready to decorate for quite yet.
I am ready to decorate for fall, and
I'm gathering things to decorate for Halloween.

So what's a girl to do?
Well....get out the spray paint of course!

Painted brown
those little candle wreaths look perfect
with my fall decorations.

Painted black
they're just spooky enough for Halloween.

Don't you just love a craft that's cheap and quick
and easy and looks great too?

The Key to a Collection

It only makes sense that someone
who likes to build with old doors,
would also collect the things associated with doors.

And what do you do with a collection?You group it together,
for maximum design impact, of course!