A Sign of Fall

I felt the urge to add to my fall decorations. I wanted a little sign that spelled FALL. I decided to take an old idea of mine and tweak it a bit. Please forgive the idea rerun. But, if you're like I am, you probably need to see something a few times before you decide to jump in and craft it. So here's your second chance!

First, I found a piece of scrap wood. If you don't have a garage full like I do, then the best place to look is in the big home improvement stores. Go to the back of the store where they cut wood for customers. Oftentimes,
they have scrap pieces of wood for really cheap.
They'll even cut it down to size for free.

Or if there is building or remodeling in your neighbor,
ask the builders if you can have a scrap or two.
Next, I printed out the word to fit my wood.
I placed the printed word under the canvas/duck type fabric and copied over it using a paint marker.
To make it easier to see through,
I placed it on my light box,
but you could use a window.
Then I cut the piece of fabric to size
and frayed the edges.
I painted my wood block.
I used a spray paint color called Honey.
When the paint was dry,
I sanded and stained the edges.
You may even choose to adhere a cute piece of scrapbook paper to the front side
(as I did the first time).
Next, I attached the fabric to the wood
using upholstery tacks.
Then I embellished my sign with ribbon and a metal leaf.And there you have another sign that fall is here!

A Little Known Condition

I have a condition.
I don't talk about it much, but it affects every aspect of my life. I've decided that it's time to bring this abnormality out in the open and, even perhaps, to embrace it.
I am a tweaker!
Yes, I tweak constantly.
If you've known me for very long, you may have already noticed, but you are kind and politely overlooked my disability.

Here is evidence of my tweaking condition.

Before tweaking:And after: Before: After:Before: After:Before:After:Before:After:Before:After:
I try to control my compulsiveness to tweak. Although it is difficult for me to sit still for very long before I give into the urge. I try to allow it to manifest itself only within the confines of my own home. When I am in another person's home it is sometimes difficult to keep this condition under control. It is possible---if I clasp my hands and tweak only in my thoughts. I think that blogging has actually worsened the condition because I study photos of my home on the computer and then go on a tweaking binge. I've learned that it is feasible to live with this condition. However, it is sometimes difficult for family members to live with a tweaker. My family has accepted my abnormality, and has learned to tolerate it. I love my family for their willingness to live under such conditions.

Yes, I am a tweaker!
Are you a tweaker too?
(And yes, I've tweaked this post a few times too!)

OUR Creation

Look at these beauties I found at the thrift store!I bought the only two they had.
If there were four,
I would have used them as legs for a table.
But there were only two,
so now those stair balusters
are huge candle holders!
My hubby added the base and molding.
I could do it, (just not as fast).
But he likes to call this OUR blog,
so he helps me build things.
He thinks you should know that those two candles
used to be one giant crooked candle
that I bought for $1.
I let it sit out in the heat of the sun.
When it was warm and soft,
I rolled it like dough to get it straight.
Then I used the compound miter saw to cut it in two.
Hubby said, "You never cease to amaze me
what you will cut with that saw. A candle??? Wow!"

While I was out of the room, he added those last lines.
I guess it really is OUR blog now.

Another Light Topic

This is the chandelier hanging in my dining room. I really like it.
I know it seems a bit plain,
but that's what I like about it.

I can dress it up or down,
depending on the month or my mood.

During the Christmas season I decorate it
with a wreath and dangle big ornaments from it.
For Halloween, a bat finds it a nice place to hang.
Today I hung some huge sparkly leaves for fall.
Some months it loses the shades,
gains some round bulbs and
is dressed with little pretties from
the dollar area of the craft store.
Sometimes I add another layer of sparkle
that was originally meant to be Christmas garland.
Other months it's a random combination.
But I think this one is my favorite.Old silver spoons hung with curly copper wire.
Take time to visit Melissa and Ashley
to see their dollar frame creations.

A Great Combination

I bought an almost new lamp, complete with the shade, at the thrift store for $6. It had an antique brass finish. Of course I bought it knowing that I'd give it a spray paint makeover. I'm sorry to say that I didn't take a "before" picture. I actually never thought that I'd do a post on it. I didn't want to bore you with another post of "Look at my thrift find that I painted black." (YAAAAWN!)

In fact, after I painted the lamp black that's how I felt---bored! I almost regretted spray painting it. (GASP!!!)

Well, I came up with a solution. I took out my antique brass metallic spray paint. Noooo, I didn't spray it back to it's original finish.

I lightly sprayed it, keeping the can about two to three feet away from the lamp. That way only the flecks of metallic landed on the lamp. The color didn't change, it's still black but has a more professional finish.
Now when the sun hits it, or the light is on, it shimmers. It has a warmth and sheen that it didn't have before. Black with metallic flecks---a great combination!

I need to thank my friends at Creations From My Heart and Sanctuary Arts for the Home for this wonderful award:

I would love to pass this along to
each and every one of you!
Please go visit these very talented ladies who gave it.
And while you're visiting, visit Annie.
She made a really cute version of
the dollar store frame project.