TA DA DA DAaaAaa!!!

I've been doing some changing and rearranging.
I moved the old cedar chest
from in front of the couch to behind.
That way it hides the cord mess and
helps protect the couch from the sun
that streams through the windows.
Moving the chest also makes room for
my newest project.
I added a bit of aging with stain
to honor the pieces that make up this project.
Both the door and the balusters are
over one hundred years old.
In my opinion, it's the bumps and scrapes
that you get in life that give you true character.
So, as a reminder,
I like to highlight those in my furniture pieces.
It's also in the small details where true beauty is found.I think this one is a real beauty.Many of you want to know where I find my old doors.
I find them at thrift stores, on the roadside, and
at businesses that sell new doors
and haul off the old ones.

I want to give a special thanks to Sandy for this award:

and Wendy for this one:

Have a delightful weekend everyone!

A Bit More Color

I've decided that my living room needs a punch of color. That's one thing about blogging, when you post pictures of a room you start to notice where you can make improvements. Since my newest project is going in that room, it is the perfect place to add color. I like the paint color that I used on this project.
Speaking of this project,
it's now sitting on my front porch.
I was able to harvest all of these
delightful fall goodies from my garden.
I piled a bunch of the smaller ones into
some antique bowls
that I found years ago at the thrift store.
And the larger ones look great outside.Since we're outside, I'll show you
some more of my Halloween decorations.

Some of you showed a real interest in my old PB light fixture.
I suppose I could sell it.
But I'm warning you, it's pretty heavy and would cost a bit to ship.

Go Big or Go Home

Okay, first I'll give you a project update, the item has been assembled! However, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do today because the weather has turned COLD and I'm feeling a bit crummy because of some dental work I had done.

In the meantime, I'll show you one of the projects we completed on Saturday. See this little light in my stairwell. It came from the PB outlet years ago. I liked it when I bought it. But it sat for about two years waiting to be put up (I'm not kidding). Once it was up, I really didn't like it. It was too small for the space and after two years, it wasn't really my style any more. So I began my search for a replacement. Luckily, a year or so later, I found one at the thrift store. Don't laugh, but this one took about a year before it was finally put into place. Can you tell that my husband isn't fond of heights? Fortunately, for my husband, I still like this one. Actually, now that it's finally hung, I like it even more. This beauty is an antique brass, even though the picture makes it look like a shiny brass. It's huge and fits the space perfectly.

You know what they say, "go big or go home."

Five Miles, Five Minutes

I have time management issues. It's frustrating for my husband. Years ago we heard a comedian talking about his wife. He said something like "She's always late because she thinks if someplace is five miles away, it will only take five minutes to get there." Both my husband and I laughed because the comedian could have just as easily been talking about me. At least now when my husband is frustrated with my poor time management he'll say, "five miles, five minutes" as a way to understand my way of thinking.
So it wouldn't surprise you that when I plan to get projects done, I usually plan on accomplishing several things in a limited amount of time. Saturday's list had six (or maybe even eight) major projects on it, plus other activities like: make sure my boys mow the lawns, go grocery shopping and go to a church dinner. And then there was the unexpected; a trip to the home improvement store and a trip to my mom's for a quick fix-it.
Sunday was spent at church and with family. We don't work on projects on Sundays. So needless to say, I don't have my project finished that I was planning to reveal today. Part of that may be due to the fact that it took around THREE hours to strip the old paint off of the balusters.
These babies are a hundred years old and the paint is peeling. I'm pretty sure that some of that paint contains lead, so for safety sake, I needed to take off all of the paint.

I did manage to paint my last project
a nice Heirloom white.
We were able to replace our old kitchen sink
with a pretty new one.
And we were able to complete another project that I'll show you in tomorrow's post.
As for the reveal of the item I teased you about of Friday, it will take another day...or so. I'll have my husband help me assemble it tonight, and then I'll begin to paint it tomorrow.
I am so sorry to disappoint you all. But, if you haven't figured it out by now...I'm not superwoman, because if I were, I could definitely go five miles in five minutes!