Fashionably Late

Rhoda from Southern Hospitality has been hosting a fabulous Top Ten Projects of 2008 party and I'm arriving late....but better late than never, I always say!

It's been both fun and rewarding to look back through the past year and remind myself that I was actually able to complete a few projects.

Last spring I took an old dresser, that someone had left at the curb for trash, and turned it into a treasure for our backyard patio.
I love the transformation of an old desk from the thrift store into a beauty of an entry table.
There was the "ugly art"
that I changed into a unique and useful chalkboard.
I'm surprised at how popular my 5 minute monogram project became!It's exciting to see how others have personalized it to their taste.
I always enjoy a quick and easy project like taking a plain wooden tray
and making it special.
I did a paint makeover on one of the very first door projects my husband and I ever made.
I'm always amazed at how much paint can transform just about any object.
Speaking of door projects, my husband and I enjoyed taking several doors, that we had stored in our garage, and making them into useful and beautiful pieces of furniture.
I'm so glad that I started to blog in 2008! It's been just the motivation I needed to accomplish a few projects. I'm looking forward to a new year full of creativity!

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