Stealing Green

While out on a walk yesterday I noticed a pile of freshly cut boxwood branches lying in the street waiting for the trash. I've always admired
beautiful boxwood wreaths
so naturally I saw that pile of trash as a treasure-in-waiting. The problem was, I don't know the people who live in the house with the freshly trimmed boxwoods. What was I supposed to do? Knock on their door and introduce myself and then ask if I could have their garbage. They would probably have the police on the phone within seconds, telling them that their was a crazy lady on their porch.
So I did the only thing I could think of. I waited until it got dark and then I walked slyly up to their trash pile and began loading it into a plastic bag.
Am I the only person who thinks that there is something a little exciting about taking another person's trash under the guise of darkness?
Maybe I really am a crazy lady.
I asked my hubby to build me a square form out of scrap lumber and then I began to layer the boxwood branches on, securing them with florist wire.
I think it turned out beautiful!One man's trash
really can be
a crazy lady's treasure.

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