It's Time For The Truth

Okay, it's time for the truth. While things seem pretty and perfect at my blog, the truth is that I've felt "mostly dead" this entire week. Yes, mostly dead from what is likely a sinus infection from breathing in an over abundance of saw dust and paint fumes from this project. And from the reaction to the drug that is supposed to make me feel better.
Why am I telling you this?
First, because it's good to be reminded that even though all of my projects are done in a "well ventilated area" (outside), it's still good to protect myself, and you should protect yourself too.
Meet my new best friend.
I'll look pretty funny. But funny looking is a better choice than mostly dead feeling.
Second, you must see the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
Sick as could be, I dragged myself out, did a quick, but unfinished paint job on this chair. And an unfinished clean-up of the area, just so I could present a pretty picture to all who care to see.

But I feel bad---not mostly dead bad. I'm actually feeling almost alive again.
But I have been feeling guilty bad. Guilty for adding to the whole notion that we should always give the appearance of pretty and perfect.
When the reality for all of us is that
RARELY is life pretty and perfect.
And to be honest, who wants it to be?
It's the messes in our lives that make us
appreciate the pretty.

It's the mostly dead moments that remind us
to embrace every moment of living.

I fear that the blog world
can be one more place where

we compare the worst in ourselves
to the best in others

So today I will tell the truth.
My life is often a mess
and rarely pretty and perfect.

And I love it that way!

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