It Makes Me Giddy

Okay, I already know that you're going to laugh at this one. Last Friday hubby and I went out on our date. We had to run an errand to his business. Because of my inquisitive mind and my always burning desire to find treasures, within minutes we found ourselves trolling dumpsters in the area. Oh there were some goodies to be found. Yep, I truly get giddy when I discover a good dumpster find!
The night actually got even better! We ran to the home improvement store to pick up some wood for a project. We walked by the cull bin and found all the wood we needed, and more, and it was marked down to $2.01 a piece. We ended up with a truck full of supplies for just over thirty dollars! It wasn't the type of wood I initially had in mind but who can pass up a bargain like that?!?
Oh what fun we had! Look at what we came home with.A truck full of all sorts of wood.
Yes, those are shutters under there---two small and one tall one (not pictured).
The top to an air condition unit.
I think that it will make a great wall hanging in one of my son's rooms (the label will be peeled off and replaced with a monogram).
I'm sure this is not everyone's idea of a
great date night,
but it was a highlight for us!

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