Mantle Evolution

One of the many wonders of blogging is being able to look back at photos to see how my style has evolved. In 2007 I was trying to work up the nerve to start a blog. Halloween was the first holiday with my new digital camera so I documented my decorations. Even though I used pretty much the same items to decorate with in the last three years, there are still subtle differences. I like that! I like to feel that my decorating style is constantly evolving---if only slightly.
I thought it might be fun to share photos of my family room mantle with you from the past three years.
Halloween 2007Halloween 2008Halloween 2009
This year I added the haunted castle that I bought at the thrift store months ago for two dollars. But now that I've looked at the last two years decorations, I remember using those branchy looking things. I think I need to go into my "inventory room" and find where I put those. Aren't old photos wonderful?
A good photo is better than
a good memory any day!

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