
I did promise a post yesterday, but we had a doctor appointment to remove stitches from the surgery on #3's femur (he had a titanium rod placed in his leg). We received news that he won't be leaving for a few weeks---for his own safety. We were disappointed, but we know it's for the best. And then, with all the chaos that has been our life, I misplaced my camera cord. It's been found. Now, finally, I think I'm able to get back to you. Thanks again for being so patient.

One of the delights of the season for me is to walk into each room in the early hours of dawn and flick the switch to
light up the Christmas tree.
There is something so magical about bringing
the light of Christmas into a room,
especially at that time of day.
I go from room to room lighting each tree.

The Living Room Tree

The Computer Room Tree

The Family Room Tree

The Tree in our Master Bedroom

I have a supply of these little helpers.
( Found in most stores where extension cords are sold).
You simply plug them into the outlet and then plug the Christmas lights into the switched plug. It's so handy to simply use a switch instead of plugging and unplugging every morning and night.
It really is fun to control the lighting magic with
just the flick of a switch.

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