Lee Jofa Fabrics-Thread Collection

We drove down to Lee Jofa at the Pacific Design Center the other day to see what's new. We're glad we did because Lee Jofa just introduced a wonderful collection called "Threads".

Thread is a very decadent, very luxurious collection (and yes, they are REALLY pricey), but if you are in a mood for something very upscale, take a look at this line. The colors are muted and subdued; the texture is absolutely sublime, and the look is incredible.

Here are some samples of it. Now, the images alone do not do this line any justice. They look way better in person. You can see the entire collection here. For pricing information or to order samples, please visit our fabric site.

Home Accessories from Lazy Susan

As a home accessories vendor, we are constantly looking out for new vendors with interesting stuff we can buy. Recently, we came across a really cute home accessories line called Lazy Susan.

Now, home accessories are our absolute favorite thing to buy. Truly, there is no better way to instantly add pizzazz to your home.

Here are some samplings of their products. Lazy Susan does not sell directly to the public. We'll be posting their products up on our home accessories site shortly. In the mean time, you can view the entire product line at Lazy Susan web site.

Opps! There It Is!

People pay me to help them decide on just the right color for their homes, so would it surprise you to know that I'm not one of those people who obsess over which is the perfect color to paint a room or piece of furniture. In fact, the only thing I do obsess over, when it comes to paint, are the "opps" paints. It drives my husband nuts that I cannot walk into a store that sells paint without checking out those discounted little beauties of mistints. Most stores sell a gallon of mistinted paint for five dollars. I've paid as little as one dollar and as much as ten dollars a gallon, depending on the brand. I almost always buy satin finishes because I like the warm shine of satin on the walls of my home. Occasionally I'll buy a semi-gloss because the finish gives furniture a nice shine and is easy to clean. I limit my color choices to neutrals, unless I have something specific in mind.
The wall in my dining room was a mistinted venetian plaster. I layered an opps glaze on top to give it warmth.
My kitchen cabinets were also painted with oops paint. I wanted a cream color and I knew that applying a poly on top would change the color a bit, so I choose not to be so particular about the exact color of cream.The kitchen wall color wasn't a mistint, but it was discounted because the paint store had a contractor decide he didn't want all of the paint that he'd originally ordered. Don't be afraid to ask the paint store employees about extra paint that they may have from cancelled orders. Sometimes these are the same colors that are being used in model homes.My family room walls are painted with two gallons of red oops paint that I mixed together. The paint on the entertainment center is also a mistint.The door coffee table is a happy oops---one of those colors that I would not have chosen unless it was super cheap, but I'm thrilled with the finished product.Remember when you learned to mix paint colors in grade school? You can do that with oops paints too! Just last month, I painted our guest room. I mixed two different colors of mistints until I got just the shade I was looking for. It's a gorgeous gray with a hint of green. I love the color so much, I wish I would have painted my master bedroom walls this color.The nice thing about oops paint is that you can paint a room for under ten dollars and if you don't like it, you haven't spent much more than you would on a fast food meal. I do reccomend that you have a color range in mind before you choose a mistint, and be open to all possibilities. For instance, you may love the color of your oops painted walls, but feel that your accessories now look out of place. Before you repaint the walls, consider changing the color of the accessories in your room (AHH! The wonders of a little spray paint). That change might be all you need to love your newly painted walls. And with freshly painted accessories, you'll feel like you had an entire room make-over for under twenty dollars.

A Drawer Full and a Heap Too

It's the middle of January which means it's time for a winter inversion where I live. The skies are gray, the sun is covered by smog and the snow is old and crusty. This kind of weather can really get you down. So to help cure the mid-winter blues (or should it be mid-winter grays?) I picked up this little plant on my last trip to the grocery store. It's so cute and petite and is the perfect reminder that spring will soon be here.Instead of just plopping it in a pot, I dug out these little wooden boxes that I found at the thrift store a while back. I pulled out some old architectural pieces too. I gave them all a fresh coat of black paint (I know! I'm becoming very predictable!) After sanding everything, I added some wooden knobs so the boxes looked more like little drawers. Now the plant has a cute place to live as it sits in my kitchen window waiting for spring to arrive. (picture could not be taken of plant in windowsill due to the glare from the smog and snow)

I am continually humbled by your kindness!!! As if it isn't enough that you take the time to read my little blog, you have showered me with awards too! Thank you!!! I feel sooooo spoiled! I mean, look at this heap!
Holly gave me this

This one is from BrendaKara gave me this oneI got this one from Pam at Frippery This one is from Kasey
Please take the time to visit all of these incredible ladies. I promise you'll have a lot of fun!

Inventory By Heart

My daughter called today from across the country. She was so excited because she and her husband had finally found a dollar store. While standing in the store, she asked what she should buy to decorate her little apartment for Valentine's day.

Is it strange that I knew the inventory of the dollar store (even miles and miles away) and, without hesitation, I could rattle off a list of dollar goodies she should get?!?!

These were one of the items I told her to buy. In fact, I suggested she buy a few bags.
Did you happen to pick any up on your recent trip to the dollar store?
According to the packaging they're "Great accents for floral arrangements & many other decorative uses."
Here's some decorative uses that I thought of.
Simply remove the picks.Then use the sweet hearts for fillers in glassware,
and scatter the rest around you're existing decorations.
How cute and easy is that?!?