Hgtv Dream House Foyer

HGTV Dream House Foyer

When dreams are to prove true, then certainly it is the HGTV dream house that comes in mind instantly. Built with extreme precision and in taste for luxury, the HGTV dream house is a fantasy of so many people far and wide. True to desire, these houses are the ones that provoke appreciation by a single look at them.

Hgtv Dream House: Choose Your Dream House Foyer

Every corner of the HGTV Dream House is constructed after well considering the comfort and the ease of the prospective dwellers. The designs and the architecture of every room and area of the house is immaculately planned to provide the residents with ultimate pleasure and memorable moments.

Hgtv Dream House: The Foyer

It is not merely the master bedrooms or the living rooms that are given importance, but the foyer of these houses are constructed with similar planning and expertise.

Hgtv Dream House: Inside My Dream House

As the very foyer of the house is responsible for casting impression on the mind of the visitor, it is given crucial importance by the makers of HGTV Dream house. Making the apt formal entrances of the farm house, the foyers are done exquisitely in each of these houses.

Hgtv Dream House: Design Your Dream Foyer

Highest quality of walnut wood and mahogany is used in making the doors that are beautifully crafted and impart a royal appeal to the house. The foyer is made as an open space that allows great ventilation owing to its airy nature.

Hgtv Dream House: Simple Foyer

Acting as the perfect welcome point for the visitors, the foyers of the HGTV dream House are a kind of trend setters in them. being simply astounding in their make and design, they render the look of the house as exotic yet elegant.

Change Is Good

I've been working on a little project for my office closet. Let me rephrase that...I've been getting incredibly frustrated with a project that I thought would be little, but is turning out to be a gigantic pain. At first I wasn't going to post about it, but then I figured that there is a lesson to be shared.
Do you see these pretty red boxes I found at the thrift store?
For some strange reason I decided that I wanted them to color coordinate with the other storage boxes in my closet. So I painted the lid of one using craft paint. Fortunately, I stopped at just the lid because after it dried, all it took was the scratch of my fingernail to take off all of the paint.
Then I got another great idea. I tore up pieces of craft paper and scrunched them. Then I applied the craft paper to the box using watered down mod podge. The result looks great, kind of like leather. But it took almost two hours. TWO HOURS for one little box and I still have two boxes to do! I just don't think this is worth my time. I mean really, it's not like my closet is going to be featured on the cover of some nation wide magazine.So the lesson to be learned?
Give yourself permission
to change your mind!
If something isn't turning out exactly as you planned, it's okay to reevaluate and make some changes.As I was taking this picture my youngest son asked if I was going to decorate the other two boxes. I told him no because it took too long. He asked, "So do you regret doing it?" My answer, "No, because I learned something. There are no regrets when you learn a lesson." I tried something that I've wanted to do. I will probably try this technique again, on something bigger like an old trunk.
This lesson can be applied to almost ANYTHING in decorating. If you're half way through painting a room and you absolutely hate the color, it's okay to change your mind. It's just paint. If you loved your couch five years ago when you bought it, but now you think it's an eyesore. It's okay, make or buy a slipcover for it, or sell it and use the money to buy another one that you love (new or used). If you thought you'd love a house with a country feel, but find yourself not feeling at home in your own home, then change the decor.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with going in a different direction than you first intended as long as the end result is a home that you love and feel comfortable in. Because really, shouldn't that be the main goal all along?

Be My Guest

This may look like a continental breakfast for house guests but it was just a little Sunday morning treat for my family. I thought it would be nice to spoil them a bit and treat them like guests.
Embracing a beautiful lifestyle
doesn't have to cost a lot.
All of the food was bought on sale. All of the serving dishes came from the thrift store.
I enjoyed giving my family a little surprise that was easy, delicious, and pleasing to the eye. Their reaction? One son told me he was disappointed because there wasn't any waffles. Did I let his comment take away from the happiness that I received by creating the treat? No, but next time I'll know who to assign the task of making waffles.

For those who wanted to know how I made the monogram wreath on yesterday's post, it was made with the leftovers from this wreath. I just wired them onto a wooden form of the letter A.

Hgtv Dream House and its Uniqueness

HGTV dream home and its uniqueness

HGTV dream home is the yearly project of American Cable Network home and Garden Television’s being held since 1997. There is held a telecast every year January 1st, which starts with the sweepstakes and showcase one million valued custom well furnished home.

Hgtv Dream House: Eclectic Kitchen

HGTV home Experts are also available to provide excellent suggestions for keeping clean and green homes. People can find newer inspirations and ideas which can completely transform their homes. These days online HGTV is also provided which has got many instructions on the new dream home projects, video clips, message guides and program guides and episode finder.

Hgtv Dream House: Mediterranean Bathrom

HGTV project has got amazing designer collections like different models in kitchens, bathrooms, dining and bedrooms. The unique kitchen designs like traditional kitchens by Barbara Theile, Modern Kitchens by Sub-Zero and Wolf, eclectic kitchen by Annylynn Best, Country kitchen by Lori Dennis and Mediterranean kitchen by Deborah Smith.

Hgtv Dream House: Modern Kitchen

The various bathroom designs like Mediterranean bathrooms by Lisa Aharam, Contemporary bathrooms by Lou Ann, romantic bathroom by Shally David and Asian bathroom by Douglas Dezoleh. The new styled living rooms are also present in the project like contemporary living rooms by Christopher Grubb, Modern rooms by Rouzita, eclectic rooms by Zia Venturi and romantic living rooms by Don Raney.

Hgtv Dream House: Romantic Living Room

The new style of bedrooms is proposed in the project. They are eclectic bedrooms by Erinn Valencich, contemporary rooms by Andreas, transitional bedrooms by Baylor Anne and the modern bedroom by Yvonne Lane. These are the most popular designs listed in the dream home project and thus are incredibly amazing.

Hgtv Dream House: Eclectic Bedroom

Inspired By Nature

I've been putting together a few vignettes inspired by the great outdoors.My dining room shelf/mantle is brimming with nests resting amongst electric candles. The apothecary jars are filled with faux nature elements.
Flowering bulbs Moss and fern fronds from the dollar store.
My foyer table displays a sweet little girl garden statue that I brought inside, along with a small birdbath filled with bleached moss, both resting on a silver tray.
With indoor displays inspired by nature, I can enjoy the beauties of springtime no matter the temperature outside. For another idea inspired by nature click here.

Party Arrangement in Hgtv Dream House

Outdoor party arrangement in HGTV dream house

HGTV dream house is definitely the most luxurious and elegant residence that are known till date. You can feel amazed and exhilarated by entering the exteriors of this house that includes all the furnishings and decorative that is imperative for an outdoor party.

Hgtv Dream House: Outdoor Kitchen

Some of the unique inclusions that can attract your guests include Manhattan Beach armless chair and under counter outdoor refrigerator. You can use the outdoor refrigerator for storing desserts for the outdoor party.

Hgtv Dream House: Outdoor Dinner Room

The exterior of this home is designed so as to make the guests and homeowners enjoy socializing in the summer time. Primarily you will find a sofa set in the exteriors of this house for accommodating guests in the outdoor party. The stylish sofa sets provides a gracious touch to the seating arrangements made in the exteriors of this house.

Hgtv Dream House: Poolside Kitchen

The fabric used in the sofas is comfy enough to make the guests feel properly hospitalized in an outdoor party. One of the most astonishing facts regarding the seating arrangements in the HGTV dream house is that it can accommodate a large number of guests without making the space look stuffed.

Hgtv Dream House: Decorate Your House

The exteriors also include an outdoor kitchen where you can preserve and prepare all sorts of scrumptious food for the guests, such as Chopped Apple Salad, Loin of Lamb, Cauliflower-Green Chile Gratin and Meyer Lemon and Blackberry Bread Pudding.

Hgtv Dream House: Table in Your Garden

Guests can taste a range of delicious food made by the chef in the outdoor kitchen. Only thing that is required for getting food for the party is to order the chef for making preferred dish. The chef will make use of outdoor kitchen for preparing scrumptious dishes for the outdoor party.