Putting This Tour To Bed

I really appreciate your kind comments about the tour. My daughter is thrilled that you've enjoyed the apartment. But before we end, I must say a few special Thank Yous. First to my daughter and son-in-law for letting me show off their home. Also I must thank their good friend Ashlee (I made her the monogram M). Ashlee painted with me, drove me around and, most importantly, kept me sane while we painted practically the entire apartment in only two days. And a thank you to her sweet hubby for all of his help too!

Next on the tour is the second bedroom. It's being used as an office/guest room/bike storage. Their last apartment was only a one bedroom, so they are really enjoying this extra space.

Remember I told you that my darling daughter picked up some shutter doors for free. We also found an old door.
Both came in handy when decorating the master bedroom. The headboard is a pair of shutter doors hung vertically right onto the wall. The nightstands were found on Craigslist. She also picked up these brass lamps for free. They look great with a couple of coats of metallic spray paint and a new shade. They had the tall chest of drawers and the previous tenants left a low dresser for them. Amazingly all of the wood tones in the bedroom furniture are very similar.Leaning in the corner is the old door that's been turned into a practical and pretty jewelry storage solution.
Remember the mirror above the kitchen sink? We bought a large mirror at the home improvement store (in the glass aisle) and asked them to cut it in half. One half was hung above the sink and the other half was hung onto the old door.
We also purchased several door stops. We removed the plastic end of the stop and screwed them into the door for holding necklaces and bracelets. We added shelf brackets and a shelf below the mirror. The jewelry frame hangs below the shelf. Isn't it wonderful that everything my daughter needs for accessorizing is now one gorgeous accessory itself?

Hgtv Dream House Guide

HGTV dream house guide for choosing right whirlpool bathtub

HGTV dream house, one of the most popular TV shows in the United States has come up with a whole range of guidelines for building, refurbishing and renovating the homes of the viewers.

Hgtv Dream House: Whilpool Glass Bathtub

One of the recent guidelines is concerned over the selection of right whirlpool while making bath room renovation. According to the experts of the HGTV dream house, many people buy whirlpool and Jacuzzi without having any idea whether it will fit their bathtub or not.

Hgtv Dream House: Your Dream Bathroom

In order to make them fit with their bathtubs they have to make expensive remodeling works. To avoid such inconveniences, the experts recommend the buyers to make sure that they measure their bathroom before looking to any whirlpool design.

Hgtv Dream House: Idea for your Bathroom

Morey, an expert designer associated with HGTV dream house admits that most whirlpools are available in three standard sizes namely five feet, six feet and five-half feet. These whirlpools will usually take more space when you fit them and about half-inch on each side may be occupied by them. As a remodeling application, the bathtub whirlpool must be of a certain size that comes under the door of the bathroom.

Hgtv Dream House: Bathroom Whirlpool Style

In case, the height of the tub fits the doorway, you may require enough space to turn around the bathtub whirlpool before fitting it to its place. It is also very important to choose the tub with the right weight that suits the floor condition.

Hgtv Dream House: Hgtv Dream House Bathroom

When working with wood floors, the overall weight of the tub, the water and the people should be considered. This above guideline is very vital when making second floor installation. In some case, weak and damaged floor are required to be renovated before installing bathtubs. Some remodeling works in the bathroom become necessary when an individual thinks of installing a larger bathtub whirlpool.

The Tour Continues

The tour of the my daughter and son-in-law's apartment continues.To the right of the dining area is the kitchen. The metal cabinets were freshened up with a coat of bright white. A mirror was hung above the sink to make doing the dishes a bit more pleasurable. The mirror reflects the light and a pretty view too.
I found this vase at the thrift store.
It's a pretty way to store cooking utensils.
The little white cupboard was another freebie.
The bottom half is great for storage and the top shows off a few more accessories.

The bathroom is divided into two rooms. The first room houses the sink and mirror. Mirrors were hung on the door and in rows
on the wall across from the large mirror. They work great for seeing the back of your hairdo as well as brightening up the small space.
Here's another vase I found thrifting. It's hung just inside the door, above the sink.
Doesn't everyone enjoy seeing a pretty bouquet of flowers first thing in the morning while getting ready for the day?
Little lovelies adorn the counter.
Small apothecary jars filled with cotton balls and swabs.
hese beautiful accessories hang in a spot behind the door in the room with the tub and potty. You might remember my tutorial on how to make the knob hanger that's hanging below the picture. Originally it was made for hanging jewelry, but it will do a fabulous job as a towel holder. We decided to make something bigger and better for hanging her ever growing jewelry collection. I'll show you that project, as well as the two bedrooms, next time.

Spotting a Bargain

It really doesn't take a lot of money to make a house a home, just the determination and patience to search for a bargain, and the willingness and humility to take a freebie when you find one. My son-in-law and daughter's apartment is made up of several bargains and freebies.
You already know that the sofa was bought on Craig's List, but there's even more budget savers. Let me show you just a few.
I purchased the mirrored table from the thrift store for six dollars. It went home with them last summer in a car that was filled to the brim with wedding gifts and luggage. The sassy little black and white vase on the top was a cast-off from a friend.The coffee table was a freeie, and so was the chest I used to define the entry. It got a coat of black spray paint to fit in with the Swedish store bought furniture.
That great looking over-sized orange lamp was a
five dollar discovery from "my" thrift store. Fortunately it arrived safely inside a very well packed check-in suitcase. It just needed a new shade to give it a classy up-date.
The shutters flanking the windows were free. I got a phone call from my daughter asking me if she should pick them up. Of course I said YES! They're hung on both the living room and dining room windows to add an architectural element to a plain apartment, as well as unify the style of the two rooms.We saw that tall piece late one night (right corner in above photo) in someone's garbage pile on our way back to the apartment. My daughter stopped the car and I jumped out to pick it up. It's missing a few baskets, but it's still functional for storage. It may get a make-over next time I visit.The beautiful china cabinet was a twenty-five dollar find on Craig's List. It's missing the glass shelf. They'll get one cut at a glass/window shop. The dining room table was a freebie from their last apartment. The top had a light stain, but with some sanding and a couple of coats of dark cherry stain it lost it's farmhouse feel and now looks fresh and hip.The bar stools were found on CL. They only wanted two but the sellers wanted them sold as a set of four. I'm sure they'll come in handy when they have several dinner guests.
Most of the accessories were wedding gifts, thrift finds, dollar store goodies, or family heirlooms.
With a little determination, patience, willingness, and humility, you really can create a beautiful, stylish home on a tight budget!

HGTV dream house giveaway sweepstakes

Dream House giveaway sweepstakes

Giveaway is something that everyone loves to get and today, the hottest and the most exciting giveaways are offered by the popular American TV channel called HGTV. HGTV dream house is one of the most famous TV shows widely watched by a good number of viewers in United States. Dream house comes up a variety of episodes that feature various home building and home renovation competitions for the participants.

Hgtv Dream House: Hgtv Dream House Giveaway

The prize of the competition is a wonderful home equipped with all the luxury features and located in one of the most exotic location. The value of the prize often reaches many million dollars and it is what that attracts a huge number of participants.

Hgtv Dream House: Dream House

The HGTV offered a dream home to the winner of the 2008 dream house contest and it was a three storey building called Islamorada, FL. The house was filled with big bay windows that allow the owner to watch the magnificence of the ocean beauty.

Hgtv Dream House: Green House

If you are dreaming to become the winner of such a house then you are required to enter the competition. You should try to put your name in the contest as much as you can as they allow participants to enter the contest for an unlimited number of times. With every entry you increase your chances of winning HGTV dream home sweepstakes.

Hgtv Dream House: Another Green House

The HGTV dream house is also going to start its 2009 contest from April 17 and the prize will be a well marvelously furnished HGTV Green Home. The house is estimated to have a price value of about $750,000 and it will be one of the best homes ever offered by HGTV. Entering your name for the contest will be a good as it is step closer in wining the grant prize. You can also get updates on HGTV Green House on the web by making some simple searches.