Hgtv Dream House Floor Plan

HGTV Dream home floor plan

HGTV is getting their fourth eco friendly home in New Mexico. HGTV dream home is one of the classic styled farm house having a beautiful surroundings set in beautiful New Mexico. The floor plan for the dream home was excellently planned and also the various rooms are designed specifically.

Hgtv Dream House: Floor Plan 1

The foyer at the entrance of the house is designed in such a manner that the person can immediately sense then it is the wonderful retreat set in the heart of the wine country of California. Since entertainment is considered to be the key for this region, the HGTV dream home is designed for accommodating the gatherings of friends and family. The HGTV dream house has a living room, dining area, children’s room, kitchen, master bedroom, bathrooms and lastly car garage.

Hgtv Dream House: Floor Plan

The HGTV dream home is built on thirty six hundred sq feet land area with the various rooms dispersed on the two floors of dream home. Outside the house, there are visitors are welcomed with the porches at the front and rear of the dream home. Along with this, there is a landscape outside that is designed keeping in mind the outside entertainment for the visitors. Also there is a two car garage that is detachable which makes it easier for the visitors.

Hgtv Dream House: Floor Plan 2

The HGTV dream home is designed particularly keeping in mind the in house demands and also at a location that has a market nearby in the scenic town that is a perfect place for shopping, roaming around, dining and strolling.

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