Hoiliday Decor Hoarder

If you are not already aware, I will make it clear,
I am a hoarder of holiday decorations!
Each holiday I find myself with more decorations than I care to admit. Many gathered over the years, most acquired on closeout sales or at thrift stores. Admittedly I own decorations that I don't use. I try to cull a few to donate to the thrift store or give to family and friends. Or I try to find ways to re-purpose them into something new.
Such was the case with these mismatched wreaths and little blocks. I laid the two wreaths together
and thought that the pairing looked quite nice.
I would just need a way to keep them snugly attached to one another.
That's where this shutter (found by a dumpster) came in handy.
A good cleaning, a fresh coat of spray paint,
and a little sanding, makes it the perfect backdrop
to tie and hot glue my forlorn holiday decorations,
transforming all of these orphans into one big
holiday wow factor.Unfortunately it's a bit too heavy to hang on my front door
(believe me, I tried).
But it does make the perfect centerpiece
for my dining room mantle/shelf.
Add in some eggs, chicks, bunnies,mixed amongst a few potted faux flowers, electric candles, and books.
And I present the perfect example ofHow to Decorate with
Things You Already Own

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