A Little Nesting

This is the view outside my window this morning. Yes, old man winter has returned.
Fortunately before his arrival we had a few warm days which I tried to take full advantage of by bringing in a few signs of spring.
In my flower bed are two old cement urns that once belonged to my in-laws. I love to change these urns with the seasons. Recently I found two unusual wreaths at the thrift store for a dollar each. I placed them a top each urn and, luckily enough, pots from the nursery fit snug inside the center.

I like the way they resemble birds nests.
I planted pansies nestled amongst spanish moss.
And to finish out the display and give it height, I added
beautiful red branches a dear neighbor clipped for me.
Nests, pansies and branches---the perfect spring combination!

I am excited to announce
that this little blog has been
nominated for the
JDR Industry Blogger Awards!!!
I feel very humbled and honored
to be listed among a group of talented bloggers.
The winner receives $500.
Wow, I know a few projects I could finish with that kind of money!

I would truly appreciate it if you would go to jacksondesignandremodeling.com/blog/
to vote for Joys of Home.
Thank you!!!

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