Simply Pleasurable

We recently had our annual neighborhood clean-up, a Saturday morning filled with yard work and getting to know neighbors as you work alongside and serve. While cutting down a patch of overgrowth in a new neighbor's yard I got a glimpse of a mound of fresh moss in the pile. My trash-to-treasure huntress instincts kicked in and I quickly scooped it up and set it aside. When work was done I carried my little nature find home and plopped it inside
a vintage tea cup
It's a pretty little reminder that
blessings come when you serve,
sometimes you just have to notice them.
I'm excited to share some news with you!
I have been asked, and humbly accepted, to be a contributor for Better Way Moms, a website that provides a source of honesty and humor about the true trials and emotions of being a mom. You'll find my articles under the Your Home section. It is a pleasure to work with the wonderful moms who run this site!
Also Joys of Home was recently listed among the Top 50
Blogs For Housekeeping Tips
. It's an honor to be found amidst a list of some incredible blogs!

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