Thrift Store Scrolls

On a recent trip to the thrift store I spied this
scroll-y work of art. It was one of those thrift finds that
one picks up,
looks at with curiosity,
tries to figure out whatever could be done with said item,
puts it back,
and then repeats the process
several times
inspiration finally hits,
curiosity is resolved
and the item is purchased.

Do you ever do that with any thrift store finds?
Once home I decided to make my inspiration a reality by first cutting and painting a piece of MDF the length of the scrolls.Next I found a font on the computer that I liked and printed the word "Welcome." I rubbed the backside of the paper with chalk so that I could transfer the image onto the MDF by tracing over the text.I painted the letters---three coats were needed in order to cover the deep red base coat.A couple of wood rosettes were added to each end of the board. Then two small holes were drilled to thread wire through in order to attach the board to the scroll. Sometimes it pays to pick up a curious thrift store item several times until inspiration hits!

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