My very first post!!!!!

Wow, how exciting!!!! I have thought about this moment for months now as I've drooled over many fabulous blogs, on a daily basis. Its safe to say I have developed a small obsession for the blog world & all things interior design like.

I have talked of starting my own blog for a while now but fear of failure & humiliation & a very limited amount of computer skills has been holding me back, but hey, the best way to learn is to throw yourself in at the deep end....isn't it......So here I am!!!!

Twelve months ago my husband & I packed up our 4 children & relocated from a small town in the beautiful Blue Mountains in Australia. There wasn't a lot of career options or entertainment in our home town & we wanted to ensure the kids had every opportunity to get the most out of life. So we moved them 3 hours north to the Hunter Valley. Now we have everything you could ever need ,all within a 40min radius. We are surrounded by mountains, vineyards & beaches. There are universities, trade colleges, private colleges & employement opportunities in every industry imaginable & we love it!!!!

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