Expensive property doesn't necessarily mean stylish property!!!

I was looking to the local real estate market for inspiration for my post today & thought I might write about a really beautiful home in my area, so I began my search for properties over the million dollar range. Now one would expect to be swooning over every property, well it wasn't the case.
Here in The Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia, there is an incredible amount of property for sale well & truly over the million dollar price bracket, but as they say, Location, Location, Location.
The Hunter is prime farming country, with large areas used for cattle farms, horse studs & vineyards. It is also one of the fastest growing regions in Australia due to the amount of industry, coal mines, vineyards, tourism, horse racing studs & proximity to the ports of Newcastle. Its safe to say we have it all here, which bumps up land values.
This is why I was able to uncover some fairly unflattering decor in my search for the perfect million dollar home...
You judge for yourself!!!!

I would call this style eclectic, perhaps....

I'm not so sure that canopy is safe....

These last 2 pics are from the same house, a very colourful house...

I love a white kitchen myself....

Perhaps The Hunter Valley needs a few stylists to start marketing to the local Real Estates....
A coat of paint, some rearranging of furniture & curtains the correct length for the windows would go a long way.
We all want to create a WOW factor, but most of these images had me saying OMG!!!

What do you think?
Perhaps all of the beautiful images I see in blog land everyday have given me a false sense of reality!!!

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