The Ol' Screen Door

One of my favorite projects for the porch redo began with a door
that was originally propped in the corner of the side porch.
It was there because my client has
a love for old screen doors
and she had purchased this one to use as decoration. Without telling her my plans I kidnapped her door to give it a makeover.
(She gave me a budget and told me she didn't want to make ANY decisions!)
I dry brushed it to give it a real aged appearance
and show off the details.
We purchased two sets of bi-fold doors from the thrift store. And added plywood and molding to make a shelving unit.I gave the outside a few coats of the exterior red paint
that was used on other porch projects.
The interior was painted a calm gray.Now the ol' screen door is not just pretty to look at,
it's functional too.
The perfect little potting shed!

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