Dream Child No1's Artistic Update

Any one that has been following my blog for a little while now will remember a post I did here about my oldest daughter's Year 11 major Art assignment.
 She created theses amazing costumes from garbage bags, took some wonderful photo's at an Historical site in Maitland , NSW & then created a book with quotes from Snow White, Peter Pan & some she had written herself. It was titled
"Snow White in Never Land"
This handsome "Lost Boy" is my 7 yr old son

The gorgeous "Tinkerbell" is my 3 year old daughter

The glamorous "Snow White" is one of my daughters friends

Its safe to say they all really enjoyed the whole experience...

As a proud mum I felt I should do an update post to brag let you know she got a whopping
for her mark on this assignment. Apparently the first art student in the school to receive such accolades,
She now has friends placing orders for costumes to be made for fancy dress parties!

She is already working toward the next art assignment, which is all about brown paper & she is aiming equally as high for this one too!!!

Trish xx

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