Christmas tree inspiration

So with a bit over a month left until we decorate the Christmas tree, we always do this on December 1st, I'm looking for a little inspiration.
Every year I like to have a bit of a theme or colour scheme in mind.
Last year I let the kids go nuts & do what ever they wanted & I must say it was a bit of a Hodge podge tree( no offense kids!)
My family like to tease me & call me the "tinsel police" ,because, I like the tree to be perfect, so last year I stepped back & let them go for it.

Lets just say.... It nearly killed me!!!

I will be having a little control say in the decorating this year
Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

The moons & stars on this gorgeous tree are actually baked from cookie dough. 
 I don't think I would like to hang actual cookies from my tree for a month, here in Australia I would fear an ant infestation would feast upon my tree, or worse still I may end up with mice, but if you pop on over to
Jenny has a fabulous idea that would give you a similar look, that isn't edible!

Now this one really ticks a few boxes for me....pardon the is decorated with clock faces.
I do have a little clock addiction, so I think something like this could be fun & VERY ME!!!
Does any one know where I could come across some little clock faces ?

So So So pretty !!!

The above images are all from country living & there are many more to inspire you.

This beautiful tree comes complete with a How-To article here
Apparently over sized decorations are the key to a glamorous looking tree!


I'm not sure if its the tree I love in this home or the decor, what a beautiful room to relax in!


& another simple tree in a beautiful room...


a few well placed pops of red to get into the Christmas spirit & co ordinate the room with the tree,
Very nice!!
I just love the giant snow flakes hanging from the ceiling.


lots of bright colours make this tree look very cheery & bring a little whimsy to the room!!!

Images from Design of house

I couldn't resist this image as it has ghost chairs in it & mini ghost chairs!
  You know how I dream of one day having the space to be a proud owner of a "Ghost chair"

How will you decorate for Christmas this year, will there be a theme, a set colour scheme or just a pile of kid fun?

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