Make Blue Wall Room Now

Blue wall room
- Fresh blue ocean wall for sunroom.

blue living room wall picture
Bright blue sky living room wall paint.

blue bedroom wall photo
Blue bedroom wall for small space.

It's the Little Things

Yesterday morning I reminded a friend and later another friend reminded me, we determine our own happiness---it's our CHOICE (thanks "grandma"!). So I counted my change and went thrifting. There is something about walking down the aisles of the thrift store that
soothes my soul. Perhaps it's because I can let my mind wander and be creative and occasionally I can find a pretty little something, like a vintage vase for $1.50, that makes me smile. Add some tulips that are on sale and
life feels good again. thrifting+nature=smiles

Months ago I made the choice to finally make my master bedroom feel more relaxing and pretty. T
he task seemed overwhelming because there was so much to do and so little money. I started with a little corner of the room---taking one bite out of the elephant. I liked the look, but I didn't love it. I decided to break down the design elements to determine what was wrong.
*I loved having a comfortable chair.
*I liked the accessories
*I adored the authentic antique tin shelves but,
*I hated the color of the shelves!
They were a part of my spray-paint-everything-black phase. Black is a classic look, but it was too visually heavy for me in this room. I wanted something classic and clean, something that blended well with the rest of the room. I achieved that look with the magic of paint, of course.
Now I love to wake up and see this little corner. Isn't it amazing how
one simple change
can make a big difference!

So You Like The Minimalist House Design Luxury House

So you like the minimalist house design luxury house that you do is buy the products of modern furniture. To fill the interior of the house to look neat minimalist and grand. Examples of interior design at the top with a white sofa making elegant design and modern houses.

New Decorative Pillows from Ryan Studio

We just finished uploading the new pillows from Ryan Studio and we just love them.  This is our favorite line of pillow to sell.   It has such an elegance about it-- simple, clean-lined and well-designed.

Here are some of our favorites:

These pillows range between $125-200 per pillow. They are filled with down. You can find them in our decorative pillows section.

Rainy Days and Mondays

Do you remember the lyrics of the old song sung by the Carpenters, Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down? Well I think that I could very easily substitute those words with Stressful Days and Januarys Always Get Me Down.
Our family has experienced a bit of stress over the past few months. With the downturn in the economy, my husband was forced to close his business and find new employment. Our #3 son broke both of his legs. Fortunately he is healing well. But in a mere three weeks he will leave home to learn the Chinese language so that he can serve the Chinese people in New Zealand. Two weeks later our #2 son will leave for China to teach English there. I am excited for both of my sons. They will be experiencing things that I can only dream of. They will have adventures and their encounters will ad layers of character to their already wonderful personalities. But as a mother, their leaving tugs strongly at my heartstrings. Between the stress of lost and new jobs, broken bones, and leaving sons, I am more emotional than usual. Add to that the stress of the holidays, the heartache of dear friends who are having their share of hardships in life and the dreary, smoggy, ugly days of January and I find myself a bit downhearted. Which brings me to my last post.
I find that the older I get, the more I question the value of where I choose to spend my time and talents. I realize that while I asked you what direction I should go with my blog, the better question is, does my blog have value and purpose? After reading all of your beautifully uplifting comments I now know that my blog does have value and purpose, not only to me but also to you.
Thank you for not judging me. I did not write these last posts because I want your sympathy. Nor did I write because I have a goal of gaining more readers or receiving more comments. On the contrary. I wrote because I feel a sense of obligation, to myself and to you. I want my blog to serve a useful purpose. I do not want to be writing posts that leave you feeling inadequate or make you want to spend money on things you can't afford. I want my blog to be an instrument for good in your life and mine; a place for inspiration, motivation, beauty and fun.
I am humbled and honored and grateful to know that it serves this purpose. Thank you for your love and kindness, support and understanding. I am so happy that I can be here to serve you. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement and inspiration when I was letting those stressful days and January get me down.
I will be back tomorrow and for days to come with more to share.
Thank you again for your love and for taking the time to express your thoughts!

4 Minimalist Interior Design

4 home interior design: minimalist home designs. Minimalist Interior Decorating

  • bedroom design with a white color looks neat and elegant
  • bathroom design
  • room design
  • kitchen design

Pondering and Pleading

After reviewing the 2009 year of my blog
I began to ponder. . .
Am I happy with my blog?
Is my blog going in the right direction?
Is it worth my time?
Is it worth the time of those who read my blog?
When I began my blog my purpose was to motivate myself to get some projects done and document the process. I never thought that I would have over a thousand people interested in what I did.
But now I do.
And I feel a sense of obligation to you all.
I want my blog to be not only worth your time, but also be helpful---for entertainment, inspiration, distraction, relaxation, encouragement, motivation, WHATEVER!
I've taken a few days off
to figure out a direction for my blog.
The only trouble is, I'm still directionless. So here's where you come in.
Why do you come here? What would you like to see more of? What can I do to help you?
If you feel so inclined, leave me a comment.
I Really Appreciate Your
Help and Support.


French Decor from Aidan Gray

We have to confess--we're not flea-market or garage-sale or Craigslist- kinda people.  To us, one's man trash is just that--trash!  We think it's much easier just to buy new stuff.  You know exactly what you get.  

If you are like us, and if you like that Parisian, French-chic look without having to fly to Paris for the flea market and ship this stuff back home by yourself, you might want to check out Aidan Gray.  They make very French home decor and accessories.

Here are some samples:

Aidan Gray has a great interactive catalog that you can browse through.  You can also buy directly online.

Ashley Furniture White Sofa Black Friday

Ashley Furniture White Sofa Black Friday. White chair when Black Friday

Designer Profile-Garry Hutton

San Francisco Chronicle has a profile today on Gary Hutton, a Bay Area designer.  Even though we never heard of him, his portfolio just blows us away.  The man is a genius! 

Seriously.  Take, for example, his design of a bookcase.

Images from

Now, doesn't that look like an idea worth stealing?

You can get this barstool here.

The dining chairs are available on our site.  It's slightly different but the looks are similiar.

If you visit his web site, you'll see some really creative ideas as well.  For the full article from the SF Chronicle, click here.

Miminimalist House Design by Architect Level Best

Minimalist Modern Home Design. Home design level by the best architects

Modern Architecture Styles And The concept

Modern Architecture Styles

Modern Architecture Styles

In essence the beginning of modern architectural style is a concept of development itself. In line with worldwide distribution and the influence of both technological advances, the more the cultural developments occurred more than a modern concept like the birth of the concept of postmodern architecture, the maximum and Minimalist.

Modern Architecture Styles For School Building

Modern Architecture Styles For School Building

Modern Architecture Styles For School Building
Birth of the tall buildings and architectural designs for schools is a revolutionary architecture supported by technological advances and still adheres to the basic principles of architectural form and function rooms that meet the requirements for occupancy.

A Dreamy Bedroom of Soft Colors

We were working on a new bedroom project today for a client and we thought we'd share some of the items we are considering with you.   We wanted to do something soft and pretty, with colors and textures that look warm and inviting...

What do you think? 

This bed is a custom-upholstered bed.  It shows here in a cream fabric but you can  have it upholstered with your own fabric.  It runs about $2800-3200 for a queen/king.  We like the fact that it doesn't require a boxspring.

We like this armoire for the TV or to store clothing.  It's so chic in person....

We just love this rug from Candice Olson.  We recently put this on sale.

And to add some colors, we love, love this flower arrangement.  It looks so incredibly real in person.

For bedding, this looks like it would be a great fit...
P.S. All of these items can be found at our home decor store.

Interior and Furniture Minimalist Home Designs

Interior and Furniture Minimalist Home Designs. Ashley Furniture Sofa Black Friday