Minimalist Design Beautify House

home interior
Minimalist Design Beautify House

Minimalist houses were very interested in the very practical people today. How to choose furniture and accessories are right for your minimalist home? Maintaining a practical and functional elements of the basic key in minimalist house dressing.

Minimalist home designs: Home Interior

The selection of appropriate materials can thicken to a minimalist concept presented. Eg glass furniture combined with aluminum or wrought iron furniture including the widely used. In addition to a simple form, any maintenance relatively easy to do.

Curtains were able to support the impression you want to display in the room. With a novel type of blind, for example, which are lightweight and able to give the impression that the dynamic in the room is minimalist.

Minimalist Interior Decorating: Home Decor

Design with strict precision also characterizes the architecture and minimalist furniture. Therefore, select a table or chair that has a simple design, little, or no ornament. With these minimal ornament, can simplify maintenance and more spacious room that terksesan suitable when applied to a small minimalist home.

Minimalist also be combined with the material or furniture of color - the color of dark brown wood such as red or brown.

The selection of colors and patterns have to be carefully shown, in which the pattern of flowers or colors that are too crowded less suitable when combined in a minimalist home. Keep the color tone each time to add or change the accessories and furniture in one room.

Tata all accessories and furniture carefully, but keep your room too full of memorable not because it can confirm the impression that want to create a minimalist. For example setting the image frame using a larger frame, but in small amounts to provide accents in the room.

Taxation related to HGTV dream house

Taxation related to HGTV

It is a well known fact that if you become the winner of HGTV dream house, then it attracts a lot of unnecessary taxation issues. It is all up to the winners whether want to keep the house or not. It has been seen that most of the winners sell their prize off in order to avoid the taxes they have to pay for it.

Hgtv Dream House: Win a Dream House

It is very unfortunate that if we win any kind of prize, it is heavily taxable by government taxing agencies and winning an HGTV Dream house is not a different stream. As per the IRS rules, all awards and prizes including charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, civic achievement, artistic or as a result of winning a contest are taxable.

Hgtv Dream House: Build it!

So, the package award won from the HGTV dream home is also unfortunately taxable for the federal income taxes. Usually, these dream homes are worth more than millions of dollars and the tax liability accounts for a huge amount of money on part of the participants. In addition to that, taxes on prizes and real estate taxes are also applicable at government levels.

Hgtv Dream House: Sell your House

Most of the winners of HGTV dream house contests have sold out their houses because even after winning a home worth millions of dollars, most of them cannot afford to live in it and have no other option but to sell them out. After paying all the taxes for their prize, the pleasure of being a winner of the HGTV dream house becomes nominal.

Modern Minimalist Design House Becomes a Trend the Cities

Minimalist Design House
Minimalist house design is more loved. Modern minimalist house is now a trend in urban areas, especially if not the reason the place. Yes, the house did not take a minimalist place too much yet minimalist home design concepts are able to give the impression of 'well' for anyone who looked.

For those of you who happened to buy a home or planning for your wife or child, following a minimalist home pictures that might be reference or a reference for you.

For homeowners who felt my house display pictures on this blog I did not intend anything other than make your home as a model of minimalist house design drawings.

minimalist home designs

Modern Minimalist Design House Becomes a Trend the Cities

The Process

I truly enjoyed your comments on yesterdays post! You made me laugh, and you motivated me to keep cleaning. You are awesome. Thank you! I would show you the finished closet. . .if it were finished. I only cleaned my side. Hubby's side still is a crazy mess. Which brings me to question, am I the only wife who's husband owns at least twice as many clothes and about five times as many shoes as she does?!?!
Since I won't show you our closet, I thought I'd at least include you in the process I go through while trying to change up an area that's a bit more visible in our home.
Not too long ago I showed you the top of the vintage dresser that sits in my living room. Even
though I am a gal who loves her layers, I'm ready to lighten things up a bit.I start the process by removing almost everything, keeping only a few items that I love and I'm not tired of. Then I think about the feeling that I want to have when I see this area. Right now I would enjoy light colors with a tiny hint of spring. Although I'm not ready for nests, eggs, and frilly flowers. Those can wait a month or two.
I grab a few things that are close by to see if a small change is all I need.Nope, I'm craving a little more. It's time to search in the storage room! I noticed beautiful orchids in the store the other day so when I discovered three faux orchids in my basement (yes, I do tend to forget what I have down there) I knew I was on the right track. I added the big book for layers but when I stood back to take it all in, it still seemed a bit too heavy visually.I love the lighter look of the silver tray and the way it contains the orchids so they have more importance. You know I can't stop there though.I added these elegant candle holders for height. It's almost there, but do you see what's wrong? The balance is off. I make a few minor adjustments so it isn't lopsided. Then add the small decorative ball and a ceiling tin replica to incorporate yet another layer and a few more touches of green.
Now, it's perfect!

Really Cool Business Cards

We ran accross some really clever business cards today and we thought we share them with you.  They are just so original and so unique. Plus, they make a great marketing tool too-- don't you think?


Images from Inc. Magazine

 You can find more clever examples here.

Nothing Interesting

I have nothing interesting to post about today. I'm sorting through my closet, organizing and finding better places to store some of the things that got stashed there over the holidays.
Yes, I really did have a rubber chicken stashed in my closet.

INTERIOR DESIGN HOUSE: Minimalist Home Designs

Design Bathroom

Family room interior design

Interior design for the nursery

INTERIOR DESIGN HOUSE: Minimalist Home Designs

Ready to serve the interior design for your home, interior design for office space and interior design for hospitality. The results of our interior design work has been sent to various regions in the country. More specifically, we can also do special projects such as: interior design for the nursery, children's room interior design, kitchen interior design, interior design library, family room interior design, interior design rooms and others.

Decorating with Pink

We're crazy about the color pink.  Not for clothes, because unless you are five, pink clothes just seem silly.  And don't even get us started on those pink Juicy Couture sweatsuits...

We love pink decor though.

Unfortunately, we are unable to indulge in our favorite color, mainly because there is a man in the house and he won't allow it.  But one can dream, right?

Here are some inspirations for you...

Image from Vogue Living

Images from House Beautiful

Have a great day, everyone!

Luxury Silk Flowers

It's raining dogs and cats here in Los Angeles today. We never had a storm like this before. You'd think we're in Seattle!

When it's rainy and gray we find ourselves just craving colors (or a hot pot of soup). Just something to cheer us up!

The best way to add colors is via accessories, as you know.  That or you have to change the paint, the uphosltery, the drapes blah blah blah.  Who has the time and the money?

We found this new line of silk flowers that we just love so much. They are made for very high-end, upscale hotels but it's available commercially too.   They look totally expensive (but they are really not).

Check them out:

We'll be loading these up in our silk flowers section this weekend so please check back then.  Thanks.