White House Interior Design

House Interior Design
White house interior design

Light Delight

My love affair with lighting
can be found throughout my home.

There is my newest in the bookcase.One candle-type light in a little vignette
atop a suitcase stack (another love).
Lights are
tucked inside the crown moulding
above the front door
and living room windows.A small strand of Christmas lights is
nestled behind the frames
on the mantle creating a pretty glow.
The firebox is lit with Christmas twinkle lights
snuggled amongst
faux candlelight.The main bathroom is always illuminated
with a small silicone candle bulb.
The kitchen windowsill now hosts a small lamp,
perfect for radiating just enough light for small tasks.

Are you
delighted by lights

How To Design a House That Looks Beautiful Minimalist

How To Design a House That Looks Beautiful Minimalist

Minimalist home pictures, Casa Suntro, worthy to be a source of inspiration. Minimalist white house paint colors of this world by architect Jorge de la Garza Hermandez. Seminal works located on the right to appointed Morelos Mexico because Mexico and Indonesia are both tropical.

Houses in the tropics need to design a comfortable fit for occupancy. Let's see what the Hernandez. This minimalist house still gets a modern twist. White color options for exterior and interior to make the house look spacious. Modern white. In addition, the best view outside the home can be enjoyed from inside the house. Look at how the exotic sights of space inside.

Many people who choose to design dream house fascinated by the shape of the building. As if she would just stop as the home design connoisseur. And not the householder. True owner of the house, it must be able to enjoy everything in the yard of the house.

A Successful design is the design maximizes That all the land, either as a building either as a yard. Remain limited yard space Can be a soothing sight Arranged with if this is neat. Also the house succeeded in maximizing the beautiful Scenery "outside the home.

Tiny garden is minimalist, minimalist styled pool with beautiful views will produce a spectacular scenery. Either as a garden outside or roof (ed) garden, the garden roof, or a park that serves also as a roof.

All of them, just might come from an appropriate spatial arrangement, which was designed from the outset. That is why, since the beginning I did not believe a design can be generated without a survey. Without direct contact with the space, where the designs will be placed.

Contact with the space of land, the deposition process, to appreciate the condition and character of surrounding residents, that's what I mean as designing with heart.

How To Design a House That Looks Beautiful Minimalist

How To Design a House That Looks Beautiful Minimalist

Minimalist home pictures, Casa Suntro, worthy to be a source of inspiration. Minimalist white house paint colors of this world by architect Jorge de la Garza Hermandez. Seminal works located on the right to appointed Morelos Mexico because Mexico and Indonesia are both tropical.

Houses in the tropics need to design a comfortable fit for occupancy. Let's see what the Hernandez. This minimalist house still gets a modern twist. White color options for exterior and interior to make the house look spacious. Modern white. In addition, the best view outside the home can be enjoyed from inside the house. Look at how the exotic sights of space inside.

Many people who choose to design dream house fascinated by the shape of the building. As if she would just stop as the home design connoisseur. And not the householder. True owner of the house, it must be able to enjoy everything in the yard of the house.

A Successful design is the design maximizes That all the land, either as a building either as a yard. Remain limited yard space Can be a soothing sight Arranged with if this is neat. Also the house succeeded in maximizing the beautiful Scenery "outside the home.

Tiny garden is minimalist, minimalist styled pool with beautiful views will produce a spectacular scenery. Either as a garden outside or roof (ed) garden, the garden roof, or a park that serves also as a roof.

All of them, just might come from an appropriate spatial arrangement, which was designed from the outset. That is why, since the beginning I did not believe a design can be generated without a survey. Without direct contact with the space, where the designs will be placed.

Contact with the space of land, the deposition process, to appreciate the condition and character of surrounding residents, that's what I mean as designing with heart.

This Little Light of Mine

I have a soft spot for lamps---especially small, unique ones. So when I found this vintage glass beauty a while back at the thrift store I felt the need to adopt it. Sure it needed a pretty shade and to be rewired, but that didn't stop me. Lamp kits are available at hardware stores for not much money and rewiring a lamp only takes a few minutes. As for the shade I just kept my eye out at the thrift store until I found the style and size I needed.
Now my adopted little sweetheart has a new home
in the bookcase in the living room.
I think it looks right at home there.

I would be thrilled if you would take a minute to
click here to Jackson Design and Remodeling.com
to vote for Joys of Home.
Voting ends Thursday the 15th
Thank you!!!

Home Interior Design Ideas Modern Minimalist

Home interior design
Home interior design ideas modern minimalist

Hydrangea Love

I think that one of my favorite flowers has to be
the hydrangea.Unfortunately I have a brown thumb
when it comes to growing them.

I've tried three times.
Three times I have failed.
I am working up the courage to try again this summer.
But I haven't let my failure of growing the real thing
stop me from surrounding myself
with the much easier variety to care for. . .
the faux hydrangea---easy to care for, widely available.
I've even bought them from the dollar store. Dollar store hydrangea's displayed en mass on my front door.

What flower draws your attention, be it real or faux?

If you haven't had a chance to vote for Joys of Home at
JDR 2010 Industry Blogger Awards
I would really appreciate it if you would
please take a moment to click on
this link and vote.
Voting ends Thursday and JofH has slipped in the polls.

Thank you so much for your support!!!

Flaws and Imperfections

I started writing this post with the idea of talking about collections. I was going to write about the two different kind of collectors. There are those who collect only the finest and then there are those, like me, who can appreciate a few flaws in their mass of similar items. I was going to say how the fun of collecting should be in the hunt---the patience of waiting until that certain item comes along that makes you giddy and so thrilled to place it in a prominent spot along with the other items of it's kind. I wanted to explain how sometimes it's the blemishes in your loved collection that make it even more dear to your heart, like the suitcase with it's original handle at one time replaced with rope as a makeshift luggage hold. Or the handle so lovingly repaired by my hubby on the small luggage piece found at a New York flea market that had been carefully transported home just to have our sweet granddaughter tear the vintage leather of the grip into small bits.I planned on showing how even though a pretty piece of pottery has received a chip or two along the way it can still
bring beauty into our life. And how if we concentrate on the small chip we can forget to
see the attractiveness of the whole
Then it dawned on me, that I was not just talking about collections. I was talking about life. It's okay to live a life that isn't perfect. Why is it that we can sometimes get so overwhelmed with looking for perfection that we forget that it's the flaws and bumps that give character to our life . A good life is made when we repair the damage that has been done and still go on to serve and bless the lives of others. Life isn't about having everything perfect and in order. Life is about the search, the hunt, the journey. Because it's in the journey where happiness can be found.
Yes, a happy life is what you make of it. Turning bad things into good. Having patience with ourselves as well as with others. Appreciating all that life offers, the wonderful as well as the not so wonderful. And remembering that it's during both of those extremes in our life's journey that beautiful memories can be made,
growth can occur and love can flourish.
Life is much like a collection.
It's made up of many things that when pulled together form
an accumulation of
wonderment and awe

We just need to take the time to stand back and
embrace it!

Art Murals for Large Spaces

We think the large murals that you see in Starbuck or Barnes and Nobles are really cool.  We always wish we can get something like that at home.  It will work great if you have a large loft with tall, tall ceilings, don't you think?  So much cooler than wallpapers.

We found a source today for it that we thought you might want to check out.  They do mostly commercial installations but you can buy them for residential as well.

Here are some samplings:

To see more portfolios and get product information, visit the vendor's web site here.

Fulfill your Dreams

Fulfill your dreams with HGTV dream homes

Home and Garden Television or Home and Garden Television, comes up each year with their enthralling home ideas that are built along the patoral locations. Like every year, it will also not disappoint this season. This company is known to build houses in jaw dropping locales, which is their unique selling point.

Hgtv Dream House: Dream Room

Until now, it has selected places like Colorado, Winter Park, Wyoming, and Jackson Hole. This year also, HGTV is planning to cast their spell in California’s wine country- Sonoma. This project will be one of the most extravagant projects ever and will give the contemporaries a run for their money.

Hgtv Dream House: Dream House

The homes by HGTV will surely captivate your senses as you can imagine lush green fields that are stretched over rolling valleys and are enough to cast their spell on your soul. Nevertheless, this is only a small part of the entire project. All the dwellings will be based on the tradition of Victorian farmhouse, capturing the true essence of traditional farm lifestyle along side meeting the luxuries of a royal experience. The entire project will create a high level of impression on every individual.

Hgtv Dream House: Another Dream House

They focus on every minute detail while building a house and each of their homes is like a hallmark. For the house, natural wood floors are used which are used after trimming and wainscoting. With such beautiful creation, this house will be a sign of great artisanship.

Hgtv Dream House: View from Dream house

With three-bedroom build on an area of 3,600 square foot along with three and a half bathroom, all the dwellings from HGTV are signs of masterpiece. Spacious and lavish, you will get all the amenities and facilities that are required for any dream house.

How to Decorate a Minimalist Interior of the House With Photo Albums

home interior design
How to decorate a minimalist interior of the house with photo albums:
  1. Home interior design will look more beautiful by installing a photo album with small size if many
  2. If you want to install a big size photo album should only be 1 or 2 only. because it is more beautiful and suitable in view

How to Decorate a Minimalist Interior of the House With Photo Albums

home interior design
How to decorate a minimalist interior of the house with photo albums:
  1. Home interior design will look more beautiful by installing a photo album with small size if many
  2. If you want to install a big size photo album should only be 1 or 2 only. because it is more beautiful and suitable in view