A Witch Is In The House

There's evidence of a witch in the house---Boots, RatBroomHat, SpidersCan't anyone in my house
clean up after themselves

Frightlfully Fabulous Craft

I had a few friends over the other day and I thought it might be fun to do a quick, easy and inexpensive Halloween craft. I searched the net and found this fun favor box idea here.Not wanting to dig through the garbage for toilet paper rolls nor have the mess of paint, I came up with my own version.
I used spray adhesive to adhere cardstock onto felt.
Then I cut each piece in half and used hot glue to make a roll.We gently folded each end in half and then pushed each side into the center to close each end. The folds make a fun shape and can open to stuff treats inside.Next we used rhinestones, felt, glitter foam sheets and pipe cleaners to make our creations.The process was a little messy.
But the results turned out
frightfully fabulous!

New Online Design Magazines

Online decorating magazines seem to be a growing sector, starting with the success of Lonny. 

There are a couple of new ones that you might want to check out.  The first one is Adore Home, which is an Australian online magazine.  The content is a bit thin for the first issue, but it looks like it has potential.

The second one is Rue Magazine.  This one is huge (over 200 pages). The first issue has a large section devoted to design blogs.  This one seems really exciting if they can keep up the content.

Orange Minimalist House Design By Archimania

Home design with the color orange. Archimania have designed this minimalist house in 2005 for the client company Pantik Home Builders. Orange House is the name of a house built in 2833 total SF. The concept of this project is to create a modern home that is conducive to urban family life, set in a New Urban community on the edge of Downtown Memphis.

The house is divided into three main sections based on each function part, each given to his own material. Front elevation consists of corrugated metal volume of orange-clad cantilevered above the lower level, wrapped in cement panels. Entry was made between primary and secondary mass of orange mass housing offices, are given in the redwoods.

More Mediterranean Decorating...

They say McMansions are dead, but if you happen to already have one , this is a nice way to decorate it.

We like how the scale is done.  The rooms seem enormous, but the furnishings are scaled accordingly ....They look tasteful, don't they? 

Photo credit:  Matthew Nichols Group

To see more pictures, click here.

Decorating in Chocolate...

Just a few pretty things in chocolate/brown/silver color scheme...

You can find them all at our home accessories site...

Catching Up

Oh my! I am really behind when it comes to decorating and blogging.
I finally got the Halloween decorations
up on the fireplace mantle.
It's the same old black tin houses and wire trees
from the last few years.
But I changed it up a bit with the addition of the
"spooky" cheesecloth from the dollar store.
I found those
darling silhouette trick or treaters

at Big Lots.
They were only six dollars so even on my tight budget
I could rob a little from the grocery budget to buy them.
Is it wrong to choose decorations over food?
At my house the decorations last much longer than the food,
so doesn't that make them a good investment?

The Cane Curse

Hi everyone!
Ive been a little absent when it comes to posting on my blog of late!
We have had 2 weeks of school holidays to contend with & this doesn't leave a lot of, ME time, but we also decided last minute to head to the beautiful Port Stephens on the NSW coast for a quick get away!

It was a great 4 day break, the weather was fairly average but the kids didn't mind, they still paddled in the surf & swam for hours at the resort pool, as kids do!

Don't you just have to have a little giggle when your kids have their goggles on...he he he!

Now my dream guy isn't a fan of holidays, so we never go away & if we do, its only for 3-4 days MAX.
He just hasn't mastered the skill of relaxation!!

Now he likes to stay some where comfortable, so when we booked our last minute accomodation
( as we always do, I mean who plans a holiday in advance. Oh that's right, 90% of the population!!)
He was pleased to announce that we would be staying in a 2 bedroom self contained unit hat had been fully refurbished...sounds lovely!

Now don't get me wrong, it was clean & tidy, but more dated than refurbished.

We have a little history of EVERY WHERE we stay ALWAYS has an uncomfortable CANE lounge

& what do you know, there she was, in all her uncomfortable splendour,
Yes my friends we had once again been bitten by


We certainly had to laugh when we saw it

Does this happen to you, are you holiday stalked by cane lounges?

We explored many beaches

 Did a lot of fun things, like building sand castles

We went on a 4wd tour along Stockton beach.
 Its a 32km long beach & covered with constantly moving sand dunes.
You can take a camel ride, but boy did they smell! 

Going up & down sand dunes, was heaps of fun...

We did sand boarding on the dunes, which is definitely something everyone should try, just be sure to keep your mouth shut, I was crunching on sand for hours after!

We then went on a dolphin watch cruise & saw a fair few dolphins frolicking, the highlight of the trip for my dream child No.3 was riding the boom net out the back of the boat.

It was a fabulous break for the 4 of us, my older two girls spent the week with old friends in the Blue Mountains & they also had a great holiday, it was kind of strange going away with out them, I felt like I had forgotten something.

I highly recommend Port Stephens as a great family holiday destination, with endless things to do for all ages. Restaurants & beautiful sights galore! 

Turquoise Chandelier

We often get inquiries about this striking chandelier:

Photo Credit: Atlanta Homes Magazine

The chandelier is made by Marjories Kouras Design. It comes in several colorways (but turquoise is by far the most popular one).  It retails for $6900 with a lead time of 12 weeks.  You can buy it directly at the vendor site...

The facade of modern architecture in school buildings

architecture school

The facade of modern architecture in school buildings