Modern Home Design by Chen + Suchart Studio

Situated on the outskirts of downtown Tempe, home emit aesthetics industry. This is a modern home design called Sosnowski designed by Chen + Suchart Studio in Tempe, Arizona. A pronounced steel frame is built from the I-beam is a framework for volume up, which sits on the foundation of concrete blocks. The façade of the upper level consists of a serious window of the issued and natural weathering corrugated steel panels. Interior concrete floor mate, open ductwork, and light industry to create an atmosphere like an attic.

While pretending to industry, Residence Sosnowski remain habitable and inviting thanks to the main meeting room on the ground floor that combines living, dining and kitchen areas into one space that is fully open to the surrounding city and desert.

Sweet and Simple

It's an idea that's been around for years. Take a candle holder (glass, porcelain, or metal---it doesn't really matter). Use a strong, clear glue (I use E6000)
to adhere it to a pretty plate.Let it dry for a few hours
and you have a sweet and simple gift.

The only way to improve it is to top it with a cloche. . . and perhaps something delightfully delicious to eat!

Our Workshop

Our kitchen is beginning to resemble a workshop (an odd place for a workshop but with a foot of snow outside, it's warmer than the garage). We've been hired to decorate for a December wedding. The young couple will be having both a reception and an open house. We're decorating for the open house which will be less formal. I'm thrilled because I've been able to be more unconventional with the design. We'll be using an old door and weathered wood to build the backdrop and more weathered wood for crates that will hold bare branches.
These boxes made from rough cedar are a part of the centerpiece design.They'll be topped with wire trees that I'm creating.It's so exciting to be given the creative freedom
to make what I see in my head!