17 Cool Teen Room Ideas

These teen room ideas are photorealistic 3d renders from Spanish designer Sergi. He shows his woks on his blog in order to receive critics about them and to help other to design perfect room for their kids. Such designing isn’t always easy because teenagers are hard to please. Sergi’s works are done in different beautiful but not very contrast colors and are cool as for boy as for girl. If you’re design a room for teen and doesn’t buy some furniture collection from famous company which specialize in kids room designs these renders could fill your mind with a ideas. 

 from : http://home.rebstech.com/17-cool-teen-room-ideas/

Color on a bright interior design school

interior design school

Color on a bright interior design school with a unique decor. There are lockers neat and comfortable learning suggestions to make the classroom a comfortable atmosphere.

Hexa Sophisticated Design Office Desk

Cool office desk designs. Suitable for you who like simple.

A desk with a hexagonal form will surely attract all the attention wherever it is placed. With a glass surface supported by an ultra-light carbon honeycomb framework, Can Yalman‘s Hexa desk looks as if it was teleported from the future. The sophisticated design and cool shape make this desk a piece of furniture the owner can pride himself with.

Tips on garden design

Who in his garden have always wanted to clean up the mess, now has the opportunity to do so!

In the outdoor season the garden is again a popular retreat. But what if it consists of all sorts of assorted plants and a hodgepodge of furniture and more like a construction site as a paradise? Then it says: Ran to work!

Before the dream garden is planning:

Most garden owners want in their garden lush growth with little care. Whether a garden makes much or little work depends, among others, on how it is invested in its main features have been selected and which plants and materials. Basically, it is advisable to adapt the selection of plants to local conditions of climate, soil and light conditions. In the surface design however, there is more scope for with the help of machines, the landscape gardener to model the terrain, mountains and valleys can be created or dig a pond where there was desert before.

New Beautiful Garden Design

Contemporary Beautiful Garden Design

Set In the Beautiful Garden Design

The Most Beautiful Garden Design

The garden: a meeting place and relax

Being in touch with nature, enjoy a sunny day and meeting friends makes our day more enjoyable. For this to happen, our own home can be decorated to stimulate these moments of pleasure. We present two proposals that will help inspire you when decorating your garden with furniture and ornaments that may have in your home.
The first proposal is ideal for family reunions throughout the day and even at night. The first element to decorate the place, giving a country style, glycine is prepared as a small roof. Its function is to protect guests from sun and make this space is cool. The iron railings meet the objective of sustaining the glycine and at the same time, add a special decorative touch.

Mantle of Love

Three months, yes, three months of use out of those
mercury glass candlesticks on my mantle. I think that is a record for ANYTHING sitting on my mantle.
But they looked so good there at Christmas,
and I loved the reflection of light in January,
and there is nothing more romantic
than candlelight for the month of Valentine's. So I've decided to go against my usual tendencies to change everything
on the mantle and just go with it one more month. I'm pretty sure that things will change next month. . . . .
maybe even the color of the paint.

4 Fading Fads That You Won’t See in 2011

We keep hearing about what’s popular in 2011 for home design — but how about what’s not? Builder Magazine writer Jenny Sullivan asked industry experts to weigh in on design fads that you won’t likely see in the new year. Here are some of the fading home trends experts mentioned:

1. Trophy space: Forget those two-story grand entrances. Builders are seeking more affordable, energy efficient design so they are getting rid of large, volume spaces in homes.

2. Just for show: Fancy, overdone rooms won’t cut it in the era of the practical, cash-strapped buyer. Lavish industrial-grade kitchen ranges or fancy master bath spa tubs– that are hardly even used anyway–will fall to the wayside. “The kitchen is once again becoming a working part of the home and not just a showcase,” architect Don Taylor of DW Taylor Associates in Ellicott City, Md., noted in the article. “It needs to provide all of the latest conveniences and technology, but with practical applications in mind. The faux commercial kitchen look may have reached its summit.”

3. Egocentric houses: It’s not just about the interior of a home that makes a home.

Buyers are caring more about its curb appeal and what’s nearby the home as well. Parks, amenities and neighborhood connections create a sense of community, said John M. Thatch, principal with Dahlin Group Architecture and Planning in Pleasanton, Calif. While most infill homes on the boards are 10-20 percent smaller in size, Thatch notes that buyers are willing to trade extra space for a more appealing neighborhood.

4. Home flipping: Gone is the trend of buying a “starter” home or a home for short-term investment. Buyers are now buying for keeps and it’s changing the way they view homes. “The idea of a home as a short-term money maker is essentially gone, so when people do buy they’ll do it with the intention of staying ten years instead of two or three,” says Jim Chittaro, president of Smykal Homes in Chicago. As such, he says buyers will care more about the design of the home and they won’t want it to feel cheap.

Modern Office Desk Design by Philippe Stark

Full-color design computer desk. Computer desk with a color above to raise your spirit.

Colourful and pretty, this desk breaks the monotony with its undulating design and modern shape. It was designed by Philippe Stark for Vitra. Created as a single piece from polyethylene case and with a polyurethane foam coating, the Baobab Desk has a fresh image suited for offices, home offices or commercial areas.

Classic Bathroom Furniture, Ideas, Designs, Pictures from Lineatre

These dramatic, classic bathroom ideas from Lineatre have a winning theatrical flair. Modular elements are the key to the success of the sumptuous design, allowing you to furnish large or small spaces using the classic bathroom furniture shown here. Totally luxurious, the Gold Modular collection comes finished in a silver leaf finish or a lacquered patina finish with floral embellishments. This richness of hue is carried around these bathroom designs, using the detailing and accessories of another, more refined age. Indeed, the elegant drapes across the tubs and windows are elements we would normally expect to find in a living room. Likewise for the crystal chandeliers, heavy gilt frames and coffee table. Even beautifully upholstered chairs and footstools find their own space in Lineatre’s classic bathrooms. No detail is overlooked – the taps boast crystal knobs, the vanities are marble-topped, and the lampshades are gem-encrusted. Why not live like Royalty? Bring the comfort of a well-appointed living room from a bygone era into your home bathroom…
via DigsDigs

Dollar Store Delight

My dollar store has had these small faux ferns for a few months now. I've looked at them a few times and talked myself out of buying them. Then the other day, being desperate for anything that reminds me of spring, I finally gave in. At home I promptly pulled it out of it's original container, plopped it in a clay pot and surrounded it with moss. I think it it's almost as good as these but a whole lot cheaper! Have you found anything wonderful at the Dollar Store recently?
**Enter the Scentsy giveaway.**

Minimalist Desk Against the Wall by Mash Studios

Design a simple desk to a place or room is minimalist. Utilize a small space.

A simple method for space saving – the Off-the-wall Desk – was designed by MASH Studios and is part of a collection entitled The LAX Series. The desk attached to the wall makes legs useless and gives an alternative for small spaces. It also looks great and has a sliding part that hides the drawers.

A Little Glam

Simple Joys...those glimpses of life that we should take time embrace, the reminders that it's the small and simple things that make life beautiful.
There are some simple joys that just happen, others we create. Take for instance my make-up bag. It's pretty enough, as well as convenient.
But I have a confession, it often sits on my bathroom counter because I'm (gasp!) too lazy to put it away. One day it occurred to me that I could either put the thing away OR I could put my make-up in something pretty that I wouldn't mind leaving out. I chose the second solution and dumped everything into a shiny silver bowl. It's not much bigger than the bag so when I do put things away it takes up about the same amount of space. And if I need my make-up to go it only takes a few seconds to dump it back into the bag.
What simple joy can you create today?
**Don't forget to enter the Scentsy giveaway here.**

a modern 3d cook room

classic luxury kitchen.3d render