Back in December, I began the makeover of my daughter's old room into a guest room. Funny thing, she and her hubby are our only overnight guests, so in many ways, it's still her room. I forgot to take a "before" picture of the room until after the furniture had been moved.
I did take a picture of the previous wall color. Yes. It was purple. It was my daughter's favorite color years ago. Yes. I am responsible for the decorative paint technique. Hey, at least it helped to camouflage all of the flaws on the walls from a lousy plaster finish (thanks to the previous owners).
We built that peg shelf specifically for our daughter. As you can see it's up close to the ceiling and runs the length of two walls. It used to be lined with photos of a her and her dates at high school dances. The pegs below were used to hang and preserve the bouquets of flowers she received from many boys. She's an incredible young woman! Beautiful, spiritual, intelligent, positive, giving, and happy are only a few words to describe her. For several years now, when asked how she is, her reply is always, "I'm happy! Thank you." I am blessed to be her mother!
It was so fun to surprise her and her cute hubby with a nice room when they came to visit at Christmas. The room wasn't 100% finished but it was nice enough with it's freshly painted walls.
It's still not finished. Usually, for me, giving a room a make over is a process. I think about it for a while. Then I try to gather a few things as I shop thrift stores. I start the job by painting the walls, and then the process begins to slow, as I try to figure out exactly how I want the finished room to look. This is where I drive my family crazy! In fact, one of my sons has a term for our home. He calls it "the house of unfinished dreams." I'm thinking of making the saying into a plaque to hang above the front door. But before I start that, maybe I'll try to finish a few other projects.
One of my projects is to paint that green headboard a creamy white. Another is to do a technique on those flawed walls, then there's a table that needs a new top. Ahhhh! so many projects, so little time! Yep, it's a process to finish the house of unfinished dreams.
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