I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read my blog!!!
I especially want to thank those who leave me a comment. You are all so very kind! Your notes are often the only thing that keeps me blogging. I must tell you though, that when I read comments that say you wish you had my energy, or you would like to get as much done as I do, I have to chuckle. The truth is, I have a hard time accomplishing everything on my To-Do list too. For instance, if you walked into my house right now, you would be very, very disappointed. Instead of seeing a home beautifully decorated for Christmas, you would see this:Boxes and bags full of fall decorations waiting to be taken downstairs and properly put away. And there are boxes and boxes full of Christmas decorations waiting to be brought upstairs.
In my backyard you would see my son's desk needing the finishing coats of spray paint.
OH, how I *WISH* that sleep was optional!!! I could use that six to seven hours to decorate and clean my home, as well as spend time reading and leaving witty and kind comments on all of your wonderful blogs!
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