Several years ago I decorated my home with shabby/cottage decor. Back then I would buy or paint everything a beautiful shade of cream and then distress it. I love the cottage look, but I found that as I made home improvements, my tastes began to change. I held on to some of my shabby pieces and put them away in my storage room. The other day I came across a few pieces and decided there was just one thing to do, "Paint them black!" But, an interesting thing happened as I was painting (could it be the paint fumes?). I started to wonder what my new favorite color will be in a few years.
I have always liked cream and black accessories for the number one reason that they are neutral. I move things around in my house all the time so I need things that will look good in every room. I have rooms painted in shades of red, shades of green, and shades of blue. My rooms aren't neutral, so my accessories need to be.But, I'm beginning to think that maybe I have hit my quota on black accessories. Could it be?
I have noticed a few warning signs:
My children run for fear of being painted when they see me pick up a can of black spray paint.
My neighbors are asking if I've been hired to decorate for funerals.
The guy at the paint store told me that they can have cases of black paint delivered directly to my door, and shipping will be free since I buy in bulk. . . .

I've admitted I have a problem.
The next step is to vow to change.
(Did anyone notice I said, "try")
Now all that's left is to ask for support.
I know that I can not go a week
without painting anything.
I can't be expected to give up all of my addictions.
But, I need your suggestions.
What color can I start using that will be neutral, yet rich and fulfilling like my black paint is?!?!?
Oh please! I vow to make some changes,
but I need your help.
In exchange, I promise to document
my black paint withdrawal all next week.
But before you go. I've got one more five minute idea for you to see. Go check out Annie's cute project. And for those of you who have plans to finish yours this weekend, I'll be happy to link to you next week too.