Nuance interior design schools in class
Interior design school in the living room
Saturday Soccer
Contemporary Landscape Design House Residence Rusnak
Contemporary landscape design house residence rusnak

Beautiful Luxury Bathroom Designs
Kids and Teens Room Designs
Serious Addiction
- TO DO LISTS- Each day I am going to write myself a list of things I NEED TO DO & check it off. I hate to not complete a task especially when its in writing!!!
- 30 Min's of exercise 6 days a week is a must. I turn 40 next year & I want to be 40 & fabulous, NOT 40 & frumpy!!!!
- No turning on the laptop unless all basic chores are completed eg bed making, washing pegged out, dishes done, floors vacuumed & bathrooms tidied.
- No computer time between 5pm & 7pm so that I will cook a decent meal, I hate cooking & now I have resorted to making the quickest meal possible, this must change!!!
- I am going to ensure I visit 2- 3 real people in the real world every week, not just dozens of cyber friends
Perfectly Imperfect Give Away
No More Big and Boring
My adorable client had a wall in her home that was her nemesis. Her home is filled with beautiful architectural details, but this wall was big and boring. She loved the look of board and batten and wondered if it would be appropriate for this wall.Directly across from the wall is a beautiful wall of windows.
I wanted to repeat the details of the window wall onto the opposite wall. I sketched out a drawing and her talented husband used it as inspiration.
They started by painting out the lower portion of the wall.
He framed out the sides and top.
Added the vertical boards to the lower portion.
Topped with a horizontal band.
Then finished off the top portion with vertical boards.
Big and Boring is now Bold and Beautiful!
Top 8 tips to an organised wardrobe/closet
3. If you like to keep other things in your wardrobe for personal storage then allocate storage boxes for theses items & label them appropriately
4. The biggest rule to help avoid clutter is to have a regular CLEAN OUT. If you didn't wear it last season GET RID OF IT. If it didn't fit last season & it still doesn't, GET RID OF IT.... Donate these articles to charity, someone will really appreciate it.
5. Make a space for accessories, you can buy hangers specifically for belts & ties, making them easily accessed.
6. If you don't have the room for shelves to pop your handbags on, you can always hook the handles over the top of a hanger, several together on the one sturdy hanger. Once again grouping in colours. if this doesn't suit your space, try popping them into a labeled storage box.
7. I don't have a jewellery box, so I put sticky hooks on the door of my wardrobe & I hang necklaces & bracelets on them. This way they are on hand when I've chosen my outfit, making it easy to chose the perfect accessories. I have a small sheet of cardboard that I hole punched to hang on a sticky hook, I then stuck pin wholes thru it, to poke my earrings thru. That way they would be hanging right there with the matching necklace.
8.My final tip, when you have finished with something PUT IT AWAY!!!!

I do apologise for not giving credit for all of these great pics, I have been collecting inspiration for my home for some time now & hadn't even thought about being a blogger. Please let me know if you see something of yours so I can give credit.
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Punch home design and landscape Suite with NexGen Technology
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Modern Wooden Furniture Design
Unique Minimalist Design House in Japan
Dreaming of this house
The way to choose your your exterior colour scheme
HDTV dream home giveaways sweepstake
HDTV dream home giveaways sweepstake
Giveaway sweepstakes is something about which everyone is excited. It is a HDTV dream home for the people. Giveaway home is the coveted and hottest type available at the service available for the benefit of people in the context of home garden television. Value of the reach home reaches to multi million-dollar value with the use of giveaways sweepstake.

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