Lesson #1-If you decide to paint on top of a manufacturers paint job, give that paint a thorough sanding. Many manufacturers use an oil based paint. If you paint with a latex paint it will not adhere well.
Lesson #2-Use a good primer. It appears that the original owner may have primed this table first, but if you don't use a quality primer, after sanding, your nice paint job will chip easily.
Lesson #4-Be sure to clean the item before painting.
Lesson #5-Don't be in a rush or be doing too many things at one time. This is a hard lesson for most women to learn. I accidentally dropped my cute table and cracked one it's legs because I wasn't following this rule.
Lesson #6-Wood glue and a clamp can fix just about anything. Notice that I said wood glue? (Refer to Lesson #10)
Lesson #7-A few light coats of paint are much better than one heavy coat. Too much paint usually results in drips and/or brush lines.
Lesson #8-Lightly sand between coats of paint.
Lesson #9-Let the paint dry thoroughly, between coats and on your final coat.

may I present to you,
the new and improved Murphy's table....