It often seems that, because of the wonders of blogland, everyone gets projects done in a timely way and those projects magically look fantastic. I can sometimes feel a little low, wondering why that same magic doesn't happen at my house. Why can't I completely redecorate a room in a day, or a week, or even a month?
Take my guest room for example (a.k.a. daughter's abandoned room that she and her hubby come to stay in when they're in town). I started that project last December, added to it in February, and completely ignored it until this week. Why did I start working on it again? The changing of the weather of course! I've wanted to paint the headboard and footboard. I had to spray paint it before the weather gets any colder. I gave you a sneak peek of it earlier. It was only a peek because it wasn't the overall look that I had in mind.
The bed was originally our master bed. It came from the PB outlet. I loved the style, more than the color. But (***pay attention to this next line***) changing the color intimidated me. Yes, you read that correctly! I liked the finish but not the color. I was afraid if I changed the color that I couldn't achieve the same aged look. But I finally I got brave enough, reminded myself that "it's just paint" and took the plunge!I sprayed it a beautiful Aqua. It will look so pretty against the grayish walls and topped with the chocolate brown comforter. Yes, aqua was a bold, but beautiful color choice.
Now on to the part that I feared. Aging and distressing has proved to be challenging. I started the usual way, a little sanding and a little scraping. But the primer white was coming through. No problem. A little staining will fix that, right? As well as add to the age.
The stain went on a little blotchy and didn't cover the primer white spots.
What was the solution? Well, I remembered from my days of refinishing furniture that a rub of very fine steel wool helps to even out almost any stained finish. And, fortunately it worked marvelously!As to the primer white age spots, I took a clue from the original PB finish. I took out my brown acrylic craft paint and my teeny tipped paint brush and painted on those little worn marks!
Yep! If it's good enough for the PB people, it's good enough for me!
As for the final reveal of it's new make-over, you'll have to wait patiently along with me for it to dry completely. I wouldn't want to have to start this process all over again. It might take another ten months!
In Progress
Small But Sweet
Before I left my daughter to go back home to the real world, she requested that I decorate her apartment for fall.Occasionally someone will leave me a comment, after I've shared holiday photos of my home, saying things like, "I wish I could decorate for the holidays but my home is too small." Or, "I can't afford to decorate." Or "I have no place to store decorations." Hopefully these photos will inspire those who live in smaller homes.
My daughter keeps holiday decorations in plastic containers tucked under their bed. Most of the decorations were purchased at the dollar store, thrift store, or discount store. And as far as room to display, that's easy!
Place a few on top of furniture.Clear a spot on a table or chest.
Tuck them into a bookshelf.
Replace candles for decorations.
Hang 'em on a coat rack.
Minimalist Home Designs | Home Interior Design Beautiful
New York, New York
My daughter treated me to a bus ride up to New York city for a weekend visit. We stayed with a really cute and gracious couple who live there, which was nice because they knew the area and could help us find great ways to spend our time. We spent much of Saturday shopping flea markets.
We had so much fun! It was part of a perfect day in the big city.
We went to one market that's housed in an old parking garage. Oh there were so many things that I would have loved to take home, but I resisted.
We also shopped at the Hell's Kitchen flea market.
I did find a little something there that I couldn't resist.
This cute little suitcase.
Isn't it the perfect topper for my stack?