Another Magazine Bites the Dust-Metropolitan Home Closing
The day started off beautifully. It was 75 degree, perfectly sunny, tank-top-and-flip-flop kinda weather.
Yes, if there is anything good you can say about Los Angeles, it's the weather.
So we had our latte, went to the park with our dog, went to the farmers market, and when we got home, the mail box was full of magazines. Really, can the day be any better?
But, nothing lasts forever. Our great day was ruined when we read that Metropolitan Home, one of the best modern decor magazines, is closing down. December would be its last issue.
Seriously, we just want to cry!
We wrote in a previous post about how all the great magazines are closing down-Gourmet, Domino, Blue Print, Southern Accents, InStyle Home, Cottage Living...Declining ad revenues are to blame. So is the Internet.
We don't know about you, but NOTHING on the Internet can substitute the feeling that you get when you open a fresh issue of glossy magazine full of amazing photography. Yes, there are tons of design blogs and all, but nothing can substitute the kind of awesome inspirations that professional designers can provide. Sure, we think it's great that Mary Sue did an awesome kitchen using Ikea, but we much rather see an amazing kitchen redesign on Met Home. Think about it, do you get more inspiration from someone say, Thomas Keller vs Rachel Ray?
Nuff said.
So here is a thought for the magazine/newspaper industry: How about charging for content? Yes, Robert Murdoch got a lot of heat for saying this, but it is a valid argument. The industry has to pay for its cost of business, and as their readers, it is our moral obligation to help sustain them. Instead of paying $15 for a two-year subscription, charge a little more. Have some free content on the web, but charge for premium content.
We are so used to the idea that everything has to be free for us to use it, but at the end, the cost of paying nothing is that we end up having nothing in return.
Like everything else in life.
UPDATE: Looks like the media establishments are starting to charge readers for their content. Check out this NY Times article for more..
Atap Baja Ringan INDO ROOF
Terbuat dari baja ringan mutu tinggi Hi-Ten G550 sebagai bahan dasar kekuatan struktur dengan mutu yang konsisten dan merata dengan tegangan maksimum 550 Mpa yang telah di proses pelapisan tahan karat, di produksi dengan mesin khusus dengan tingkat presisi yang tinggi dan hasil bentuk dimensi material yang lebih akurat sebagai penunjang penggunaan sistem struktur rangka atap kuda - kuda yang lebih inovatif untuk solusi " Rayap & Karat ". Dengan pilihan bahan material sebagai berikut :
ZincAlum baja lapis hasil campuran Aluminium dan Zinc.
Galvanis baja lapis Zinc dengan proses Hot Dip.
Bahan Atap Baja Ringan dari bahan Zink Alum dan Galvanis :
Kuat dan tahan lama
Anti Rayap
Tahan Karat
Tahan Cuaca
Ramah Lingkungan
Design Atap Fleksible
Struktur Lebih Ringan
Invest Jangka Panjang
Tidak Merambatkan Api
Pemasangan Lebih Cepat
Bebas Biaya Pemeliharaan
Penggunaan Untuk Berbagai Macam Type Genteng
Earth Sheltered Home Designs Software
Animal-themed Lamps from Barbara Cosgrove
We've been seeing a lot of animal-themed decor lately. Some are very tastefully done, lots are not...
We've always loved Barbara Cosgrove lamps. They take traditional styles and put a modern twist on them, and the overall effect is quite glamorous. We've seen them displayed in very upscale places like the SLS hotel in Beverly Hills and many five-star hotels in Vegas.
Here are some new animal-theme lamps that were introduced recently. They are not expensive at all (about $200-$400 per pair).
This pair of foo dogs lamps are MARVELOUS in person. It's one of our favorites.
This will be cute in a kid's room... You can see the rest of the collection at Barbara Cosgrove or visit our modern lamps section.
Sheltered Earth Minimalist Home Designs
Based on our clients needs, we provide a variety of sustainable building design elements, including the proper orientation of the sun, geothermal heat, and carefully selecting green materials. Since 1980, we have designed a variety of passive solar homes plus commercial and institutional buildings with geothermal heating and cooling systems.
Our staff prides itself on providing quality design services for our clients. Each building arranged carefully to comply with our clients needs and budget.
Glitz Galore
last Christmas with a few items that were on sale.

Who can resist 90% off?!?
I thought about using mirrors, but I used that design concept last year.

"silver-leaf collides
with antique mirror",
without the expense.

in a random pattern, dull side up.

with my mercury glass collection.

(mirrored trees, big silver ornaments, and shiny garland).
And metallic leaves found at the thrift store.

glitzy-almost-over-the-top mantle/shelf
and the couldn't-be-a-more-perfect-backdrop frame.

Wreaths Galore
I've gathered over the years.
I thought that I'd
have a little fun
and try to display as many as possible.
After all, wreaths are an important Christmas decoration---
coming second only to the Christmas tree.
Minimalist House Design Software
Land Size: 13 × 10 m
Status: Planning + Design Homework
Candice Olson Rugs for Surya
We love Candice Olson's TV show on HGTV. Her style is fresh and modern yet approachable. It's not like Kelly Wearstler's where things look amazing but then you think to yourself-- who has that kind of money and that kind of life?
Anyway, Candice Olson just did a collection of rugs for Surya and it very much reflects her aesthetics. They are not too expensive (about $1000 for a 8 x 10 or so, less, obviously,for smaller sizes...).
Here are some really pretty ones: You can see the entire collection in our modern rug section or Surya's web site.