Small Kitchen Design Plan In a Small Space
Advice for the Younger Me
If there was a way that I could go back in time to give myself advice when I was a young mother I would have a long list of things to say. Of course most of it would be advice older mothers had already told me:
- Enjoy your children while they're young because they grow up too fast.
- Always treat your family as well as you would a guest.
- Play more.
- Keep a record of the unimportant moments as well as the important ones (I really wish I would have done that!)
- Children can be taught how to do their own laundry.
- Be in the moment.
- Don't rush through the infant and toddler stages.
- Be patient when it comes to potty training---especially when it takes longer than you think.
- Breath
- Every moment does not need to be planned.
- Elaborate vacations and fancy birthday parties are not requirements for a happy childhood.
- A big empty box is more fun than most toys you can buy.
- Prayer and faith are essential in raising children.
- Take time to step back and see your child as the person he/she is becoming.
- Broken things can be replaced, broken hearts cannot.
- Buy a panini maker.

Computer Desk Design Beamer Wilkins
Beamer Wilkins designs computer desk with a decorative doll king kong.
Name: Beamer Wilkins
Location: Austin, TX
Office: 1000 sq feet
Living Space: 400 sq feet.
Beamer Wilkins is the owner of the San Jose and Austin network of programming companies under the banner of TRNSFR, a ridiculously admirable accomplishment at the age of just 25. But we're equally as impressed with his Austin home office setup, which includes a couple desktop workspaces which integrate his obvious obsession of vinyl collectibles with his home tech equipment, including a myriad of music and computer toys all shown below...Beamer's living room space
No real rigs. Just obsession with hiding wires. I'm a zip-tie magician. The only real "rig" on my current home setup (MacBook Pro, 23" cinema display) is moving one of the overhead shelves beneath the desk to hold all my business so the desk can look nice 'n clean.
Beamer notes he's moved to a new office in downtown San Jose with a smaller 1,100 square feet, but with similar organization and layout, a temporary loft until he finds a place to purchase to live/work for his business.
Thanks to Beamer for allowing to share this peek inside his previous work space, and we look forward to seeing what he does with his future space.
Desk Computer [Via]
Luxury and Modern Doors Design
Drawer Bag | Functional Desk Designs by Jung-Ah Kimoleh
Functional table design with simple and minimalist design.
With its funny name, the Drawer Bag is a beautiful desk that has 3 spaces for drawers which have been replaced with briefcases. Designer Jung-Ah Kim concocted this concept of a desk with pieces that you can take home. Unusual to say the least, it does look like something I would want in my home.
Is Gray The New Black
Lately I seem to be having a love affair with the color gray. A few years ago it was black but now when I envision a makeover for thrifted items
I see them in a shade of gray.
Perhaps it's because there are so many pleasing varieties of gray----light gray, dark gray, charcoal gray, blue-gray, gray-brown, gray-green and the ever popular greige.
Whatever the reason, gray has become my go-to color.
K Workstation Unique Computer Desk Design
Computer desk designs unique and cool. Modern and simple design desk.
MisoSoup are the creators of this space saving home office design. Named K Workstation, the desk is made from a single strip of curved wood that wraps up on the wall and transforms into shelves. Perfect for crowded spaces, the desk uses little space but looks gorgeous. The bamboo from which it is made of gives this desk sustainability and elegance of curvature.
Blooming Bargains
What is it about flowers that make a house a home? My dream is to always have a bouquet of fresh flowers somewhere in my home.
My pocket book doesn't always agree with my dream.
Of course during the spring, summer, and fall it doesn't cost anything to
bring in nature from my yard. But during the cold days of winter I have to rely on other ways to get my
floral fix on a bargain. One of those ways is to look for flowers in unexpected places.
This beautiful bouquet came from a store that carries out of date and freight damaged food. The tulips were a dollar a bunch. For that price I felt I could splurge and buy five dollars worth.
Another way to save is to ask what day of the week the florist or grocery store has a fresh flower delivery. That will also likely be the day that they mark down flowers to clear them out (look for great bargains AFTER Valentines).
These blooms were on clearance. The great thing about potted flowers is that I can plant them in my yard later. To double my delight these bulbs will bloom next spring.
When I buy potted flowers the first thing I do is lose the wrapping, plop the pot into a prettier container, and surround the top with a little moss.
I try to save on my outdoor flowers too. Bargains can be found at the end of the season and on holidays. Big box stores will often mark down their plants when they look a little lanky or droopy.
I've also been known to ask for the plants that they are throwing away (and have been very tempted to dumpster dive). Annuals can be hard to rescue but perennials can be nurtured back and will bloom for years.
My favorite idea for bargain gardening came from a woman who would walk her dog at night and carry scissors with her. As she walked she would take little snippets from her neighbors bushes and flowers; nothing too big that they would miss. ***Edited to add: If you choose to do this please ask permission before taking snippets from your neighbors.***
When she arrived home she would dip the cuttings into root starter. I read that she was able to beautify her entire once-barren yard with just the cost of time, energy and root starter.