“Secret Kitchen” Kitchen Furniture Design
Rocking Chair That Serves as a Meeting Room

Meeting Room Workshop Office Design Refurbishment
Celebration Time
with a concert in the park,
followed by fireworks.

hometown parade.

family barbecue in the backyard.

more fireworks.

are of our family
ooooohhing and aaahhhhing over fireworks.

summer celebration memories
this weekend?
Modern kitchen with luxury Interior stainless steel appliances
Design Coffee Table With Base in White
Interior Living Room Dining Room Furniture Design

Announcing the launch of Second Showroom
The idea started out with an epiphany.
Let us explain.
As an operator of an online store, we have our fair share of both pleasure and pain. The pleasure part is going to trade shows and buying all these wonderful things. The painful part is sometime we buy too much or when we have returns. What do we do with all these beautiful items that are brand new and absolutely too beautiful to sit in the warehouse?
So we are so excited to announce the launch of SecondShowroom.com.
This is the site where you can get overstock, showroom samples and excess inventory directly from the manufacturers, retailers and showrooms throughout the country at amazing prices, and we mean AMAZING prices. More often than not you can get new items at savings of up to 75% off. What's more, by buying directly from the retailers and the manufacturers, you'll get the added assurance of buying from a reputable source; and that the merchandise will be in good condition when you receive it.
Now, the site is fairly new and we only have a limited number of items up so far, but keep checking back as we add more dealers and more merchandise.
It'll be a great hunt! We guarantee it.
Interior Outdoor Furniture Art
Pretties to Share
I thought I'd share a few pretties today. The first being that pretty little "J" that you notice up there by the http://.It's called a blog icon or fav icon. It replaces the big orange square B that's next to almost every blog address. It makes my blog name stand out and be unique. I love it! Cara, the RockSTARRMom, designed it for me. Thank you Cara! She can personalize your blogicon too. Just go visit her at Your Blogicon and tell her I sent you. She'll create something wonderful for your blog and give you step-by-step instructions on how to install it. She's such a sweetie!
As you know I've been a little light on my posting lately which has given me time to catch up on things. I've been doing some yard work (finally!). Of course there's still more to do. Lots of flowers to plant and the weeding is never done.
But I wanted to share a few photos of my yard.
The roses look spectacular this year. My clematis has never had so many blooms.
I'm amazed that everything has managed to thrive even with my neglect.
I learned a lesson from my flower beds. They look great because I planted plenty of perennials.
I applied that lesson to my huge flower pots and planted perennials in them this year.
There's beautiful hostas in the pots under the trees.
And fragrant lavender in the pots out back.
With perinnials in my pots I can enjoy their beauty this year and for years to come.
Beautiful Lounge Sectional Sofa Furniture Design
Modern Single Sofa Made in Italy
Llifestyle Lounge Chair Furniture Design
Romancing the Old
I'm joining Rhoda's party today and showing off my recent thrift store finds.I seem to be having an attraction to all things vintage. The old stuff like books, bottles, and silver seems to bring such a feeling of romance.