Frightlfully Fabulous Craft
I had a few friends over the other day and I thought it might be fun to do a quick, easy and inexpensive Halloween craft. I searched the net and found this fun favor box idea here.Not wanting to dig through the garbage for toilet paper rolls nor have the mess of paint, I came up with my own version.
I used spray adhesive to adhere cardstock onto felt. Then I cut each piece in half and used hot glue to make a roll.
We gently folded each end in half
and then pushed each side into the center to close each end.
The folds make a fun shape and can open to stuff treats inside.
Next we used rhinestones, felt, glitter foam sheets and pipe cleaners to make our creations.
The process was a little messy.
New Online Design Magazines
Online decorating magazines seem to be a growing sector, starting with the success of Lonny.
There are a couple of new ones that you might want to check out. The first one is Adore Home, which is an Australian online magazine. The content is a bit thin for the first issue, but it looks like it has potential.
The second one is Rue Magazine. This one is huge (over 200 pages). The first issue has a large section devoted to design blogs. This one seems really exciting if they can keep up the content.
Orange Minimalist House Design By Archimania

The house is divided into three main sections based on each function part, each given to his own material. Front elevation consists of corrugated metal volume of orange-clad cantilevered above the lower level, wrapped in cement panels. Entry was made between primary and secondary mass of orange mass housing offices, are given in the redwoods.

More Mediterranean Decorating...
They say McMansions are dead, but if you happen to already have one , this is a nice way to decorate it.
We like how the scale is done. The rooms seem enormous, but the furnishings are scaled accordingly ....They look tasteful, don't they?
Photo credit: Matthew Nichols Group
To see more pictures, click here.
Decorating in Chocolate...
Just a few pretty things in chocolate/brown/silver color scheme...
Catching Up
up on the fireplace mantle.

from the last few years.
But I changed it up a bit with the addition of the
"spooky" cheesecloth from the dollar store.

darling silhouette trick or treaters
at Big Lots.
They were only six dollars so even on my tight budget
I could rob a little from the grocery budget to buy them.

At my house the decorations last much longer than the food,
so doesn't that make them a good investment?
The Cane Curse
Turquoise Chandelier
We often get inquiries about this striking chandelier:
Photo Credit: Atlanta Homes Magazine
The chandelier is made by Marjories Kouras Design. It comes in several colorways (but turquoise is by far the most popular one). It retails for $6900 with a lead time of 12 weeks. You can buy it directly at the vendor site...